Your family name strikes fear and admiration in the
hearts of the common folk- but that's got nothing to do
with you. Songs and stories celebrating the adventuring
exploits of your famous parent are widely known. Kids
across the land grew up wishing they were you. But
being the child of a famous adventurer wasn't all hugs
and kisses.
You seldom saw your celebrity-adventurer parent, and
when they were around, it was all about them a nd ta les
of slaying this demon or vanquishing that dragon. All
too often, you'd be woken out of a sound s leep by some-
one standing o utside your home screaming about the
latest threat to the town, the region, or the world.
I n the end, all you have to show for your lineage is
your name. Most of the family's money went for consum-
ables, from potions of healing and spell scrolls to copi-
ous amounts of dwarven ale. And everyone expects you
to swing a sword or s ling spells like your famous fore-
bear, making it doubly hard for you to prove yourself.
Ski11 Proficiency: Perception, Performance
Tool Proficiencies: Disguise kit
Languages: Two of your choice
Equipment: Disguise kit, a set of fine clothes, and a belt
pouch containing 30 gp
You know and have met any number of powerful people
across the land-and some of them might even remem-
ber you. You might be able to wrangle minor assistance
from a maj or figure in the campaign, at the DM's discre-
tion. Additionally, the common folk treat you with defer-
ence, and your heritage and the stories you tell m ight be
good for a free meal or a place to sleep.
Scions of celebrity adventurers must deal with fame
that's not theirs, wealth they didn't earn. and expecta-
tions they can never hope to meet. These hardships can
have adverse effects, but those who cope w ith them can
a r rive at a decent attitude and a grounded worldview.
Those who fail become bitter-or worse.
d8 Personality Trait
I will never get out of my famous parent's shadow, and
no one else will ever understand this burden.
2 I've seen enough of the adventuring life to have
realistic expectations and empathy for my peers.
3 Living up to my legacy will be difficult, but I'm going
to do it.
4 I'm used to the very best in life, and that's a hard habit
to break.
S My parent taught me a sense of duty. I strive to uphold
it, even when the odds are against me.
6 No one can fake a smile, a handshake, o r an interested
nod like I can.
7 I've been part of the adventuring life since I was old
enough to walk. Let me explain a few things to you.
8 No risk is too great for the rewards of defeating my
enemies ... and taking their stuff.
d6 Ideal
Power. The only way to get ahead in this world is to
attain power and hold onto it with all your might. (Evil)
2 Peace. Those who can find or make peace in the
chaotic world around them have everything. (L awful)
3 Fame. I've seen what fame can bring. And I'll do
anything to get all that for myself. (Neutral)
4 Training. Hard work, sacrifice, and training lead to
success-and eventually to perfection. (Any)
S Anonymity. I want to be successful. And alone. With
lots of guards and wards between me and everyone
else in the world. (Any)
6 Wisdom. Material wealth is an illusion. Wisdom is the
real treasure. (Good)
d6 Bond
While my parent was out adventuring, a servant raised
me, and I care about that person more than anyone.
2 I consider every member of my parent's former
adventuring party to be family.
3 Despite their absences, my famous parent was kind
and generous. I love them and want to make them
4 My parent once brought a cursed magic i tem home. It
is my obsession.
S My childhood home holds all my best memories, and
its upkeep i s my primary concern.
6 Growing up, I had an imaginary friend I could always
count on. That friend is still with me.
d6 Flaw
You don't know what I'm going through. You never
2 You. Fetch my cloak. And maybe rub my feet for a
3 My comrades are brave, but I must defeat this threat
alone to prove my worth.
4 Oh, yeah, that spell? Named after my parent's best
friend. Let me tell you about them.
5 My best days are behind me. Ahead lies only toil, pain,
and death.
6 You have to look out for yourself. No one else will.