Acquisitions Incorporated

(Jeff_L) #1

Even when the law is not on your side, you can use com-
p lex terms like ex injuriajus non oritur and cogitation is
poenam nemo patitur to frighten people into thinking
you know what you're talking about. With common folks
who don't know any better, you might be able to intimi-
date or deceive to get favors or special treatment.

Plaintiffs come in many varieties. Some are innocent
bystanders who want only fair compensation for their
injuries. Others are professional courtroom operatives,
going to extreme lengths to appear wronged in pursuit
of a large payout.

d8 Personality Trait
I can't believe I have a chance to join Acquisitions
Incorporated! The fun I'm going to have!
2 I've been wronged my entire life, and the world owes
3 I have always tried to make the best of a bad situation.
4 The law doesn't protect the honest and the hard
working. I'm going to do whatever needs to be done to
make things right.
5 I'm always in the wrong place at the wrong time.
6 My superiors are smarter and wiser than I am. I do
what I'm told.
7 Never pass up the opportunity to make an easy bit of
coin. That's my motto.
8 I'm beginning to feel like the gods are not on my side.

d6 Ideal
Justice. Those who break the law need to answer for
their crimes. (Lawful)
2 Freedom. People must have the freedom to do what
they want and pursue their dreams. (Chaotic)
3 Greed. Everyone I see is getting theirs, so I'm surely
going to get mine. (Evil)
4 Chaos. You're out of order! And you're out of order!
This whole realm is out of order! (Chaotic)
5 Humility. I'm just a small part of a larger whole. So is
everyone else. (Neutral)
6 Responsibility. We all have our roles to play. I'll hold up
my end of the bargain. (Any)

d6 Bond
Others hurt in the same accident that hurt me are my
new family. I'll make sure they're taken care of.
2 The rulers of this place were kind to me, and they have
my lifelong devotion.
3 My parents worry about me, but I'll make them proud.
4 The only bond that matters is the one holding my
money pouch to my belt.
5 The other new hires at Acquisitions Incorporated are
my allies. We have each other's backs.
6 My legal counsel is my best friend. I owe all my
forthcoming opportunities to their hard work.

d6 Flaw
The person who gains the most reward for the least
effort wins.
2 Three magic beans for just one cow? What a deal!
3 I have only one vice, but it controls my life.
4 Sleep is for the weak. We need to keep training more if
we're going to be ready for the challenges ahead.
S Until my songs are sung in every tavern in this realm, I
won't be satisfied.
6 If people find me unpleasant, that's their problem.


You were an intern at a rival of Acquisitions Incorpo-
rated, and you gained a healthy respect for nocjusc the
job and the franchising opportunities. but for the ruth-
less and efficient way Acquisitions Incorporated goes
about its business. Why deal with the rest, when you can
work for the best?
Perhaps the rival did not treat you as well as you were
hoping, or you washed out of that organization. Maybe
you hope to leverage the knowledge you gained there for
an advantage at Acquisitions Incorporated. Either way,
you're now bringing your talents to the company, r eady
to put your skills lo use.
Skill Proficiency: History, Investigation
Tool Proficien cies: One type of artisan's tools
Languages: Any one of your choice
Equipment: One set o f artisan's tools, a ledger from
your previous employer containing a small piece of
useful information, a set of fine clothes, and a belt
pouch containing 10 gp

You have connections to your previous employer or
other groups you dealt with during your previous em-
ployment. You can communicate with your contacts.
gaining information at the DM's discretion.


If you were happy with your previous internship. the

parting of ways might have been amicable. If not, it
might have involved armed guards removing you from
the premises. If you were passed over at your previous
position, it might have left you a blend of seething rage,
practiced nonchalance, and keen knowledge of wher e
the bodies are buried (perhaps literally).

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