Acquisitions Incorporated

(Jeff_L) #1

As you do those rangery things you do. you've had the
opportunity to travel to many exotic and exciting locales.
But there's one place you just keep coming back to.


d8 Point of Interest
A secret cove a few hours' north of town that is a
known meeting spot for pirates.
2 A sewer system underneath the local guardhouse.
3 The quaint settlement where you grew up, and where
you send most of what you earn adventuring.
4 A caravan of merchants and sellswords that follows a
regular route across the land.
5 A temple built to honor a dark god, long abandoned.
6 The final resting place of the ranger who trained you.
7 The shady market known as Gort Jorkle's Afflicted
Finery. openly and proudly selling the most illegal
things imaginable.
8 An unnamed hill where a ruined tower appears at
midnight, then vanishes again at dawn.


No matter whether a ranger ranges in the crowded city
streets, the trackless wilderness, or the most desolate
and confounding planes, all ranger archetypes can find
a place in an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign.

Any Beast Master understands that a beast companion
is far more diligent, friendly, and reliable than most
people. This might be doubly true in an Acquisitions In-

corporated campaign, where if you fall in combat, your

companion isn't going to assess the resale value of your

gear versus the cost of the potion of healing it'll take to

revive you. Even in an urban setting, a beast companion
makes a solid ally, serving as a guard or a scout when
you're skulking around places you shouldn't be.

Gloom Stalkers are often best known for their work in
th e Underdark, but shadows are shadows wherever they
occur. As a Gloom Stalker ranger, you find solace and
refuge in dark alleys. dimly lit back rooms, and the shad-
owy corners of any corporate boardroom. Moreover,
your expertise as a skulker and an ambush predator fits
right in with most franchise business models.

Every Acquisitions Incorporated franchise needs to be
ready to travel at a moment's notice. with franchisees
always rushing headlong into the next amazing oppor-
tunity. As a Horizon Walker, you're a master of travel,
blazing trails into unknown realms by passing through
the even-more-unknown realms of the planes. Whatever
path your franchise walks. your combat and magical
skill helps ensure a safe journey for you and your com-
panions. Moreover. the unknown reaches of the world
are the best places to find new resources, and no one
knows more about the unknown than you do.

Whether in the wilds, in the cities, or in the wide ex-
panses in between, your specialized combat training as
a Hunter ranger makes you a stalwart defender of your
franchise and your party. On a mission, you take a lead
role in dispensing with threats. Jn a social encounter,
you stand at the back of the room and look dangerous.
Just focus on a bit of sensitivity training to counter your
predator's instincts and you can be the definitive Acqui-
sitions Incorporated employee- looking smart in a busi-
ness suit one day, and hacking up enemies the next.

The nightmare creatures that haunt the world are more
of a threat to an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise
than they are to other people. Because frankly, other
people have less to lose. Sometimes monsters guard vast
amounts of treasure just waiti ng for acquisition. Other
times, they're in the employ of a business rival looking
to acquire your wealth, your blood, or your soul. No mat-
ter how dark the adventure gets. your role as a Monster
Slayer makes you the best offense and defense against
whatever stands in your franchise's path to success.


T know you went through all those documents pretty
quickly. And now you're probably askingyourself. "Wait ...
did T sign six addenda or only five?" So you've got to ask
yourself one question. "Do I feel properly contractually rep·
resented?" Well? Do you. punk?

A rogue is often the backbone of any successful adven-
turing party, providing an ample amount of martial
prowess, a diverse skill set. and a pat on the back for a
job well done (with or without a dagger in it). In an Ac-
quisitions Incorporated franchise, a rogue's talents are
even more in demand. Not only is the rogue the first one
into the dragon's lair and the last one out (after securing
away the choicest bits of treasure first), but their keen
eye for details and their practiced social skills make
them equally invaluable in the boardrooms, the tap·
rooms, and the back alleys where business gets done.

In the world of Acquisitions Incorporated, dangers are
as likely to be contractual as physical. Avoiding a trap's
pressure plate in a dungeon is good. Avoiding an awk-
ward social situation might be even more important.
Explosive runes warding a treasure chest go off once,
maybe no one spotted them. big deal. But a rogue who
notices a carefully worded legal trap in a contract can
save their franchise from lasting harm- and a rogue
who can insert such details into someone else's contract
is worth their weight in performance bonuses.

Every rogue has a story about that one big score. With
enough ales and a bit of prompting, you can easily be
convinced to tell the tale, highlighting all the drama and

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