As an inquisitive, your eye for detail and insightful
demeanor complement the skills of the more martial
members of an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise.
Your powers of deduction make it clear that you're the
obvious choice to lead your franchise, and you are an
able operative in the field as you provide valuable infor-
mation for ongoing operations. You also have a knack
for finding weaknesses in enemies- not only in combat,
but in a rival's business plans as well.
Planning, tactics, misdirection, intrigue, sneak attack:
it's like the rogue mastermind was specifically built for
an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign. Your formida-
ble social skills translate perfectly well from the street
to the boardroom. and your ability to read your foes and
rivals clearly makes you the best choice for franchise
leader. Unfortunately, your equally practiced ability to
read your allies means you'll know which of them see
themselves as leader. Good thing that's a problem you're
perfectly equipped to handle.
Though many scouts are more comfortable in the wild.
the lessons you've learned in the wilderness offer a sur-
prising amount of utility when you're working in cities
and towns. Whenever the party needs to go out and
engage in some acquisition work, you're al the front of
the group, literally and figuratively. Your skills in sur-
vival and ensnarement translate nicely to the civilized
world, where it's just as much of a challenge to ambush
a competitor's caravan as it is to deal with a goblin
raiding party.
The one-on-one fighting style of a swashbuckler is a
perfect fit for the stylish bravado that befits an Acq Inc
franchise. Your mobility, audaciry, and charm offer ver-
satility in any number of situations. from infiltration, to
theft, to fleeing the city guards when the infiltration and
theft goes bad. Moreover, your social skills make you
equally effective in and out of combat. However, your
love of showing off means that you might have to work
at not turning every social encounter into a combat en-
counter just because you can.
For most people, Lo be called a thief is among the grav-
est of insults. For an Acquisitions Incorporated rogue,
it's a compliment. You're able to look out for yoursel f in
combat, but arc smart enough to instead style yourself
as the expert who gets out of trouble just as easily as
rhe rest of rhe party gets into it. Whether you're picking
locks at speed on the way out of a noble's estate or mas-
tering the operation of a strange magic device before it
burns your headquarters to the ground, your fellow fran-
chise members always know how lucky they are to have
you around. And with your special skills, you'll be able
to make sure they show their appreciation financially-
whether they know it or not.
Yes, that's a fine idea. We should totally put that to a vote.
Hey, that's weird- my hands are starting to glow. ls anyone
else seeing that?
A sorcerer's use of magic runs the range from chaotic to
catastrophic- which suits the style of many Acquisitions
Incorporated franchises alarmingly well. When a loud
and emphatic marketing statement needs to be made
using magic, trust a sorcerer to do the talki ng. And with
natural charisma powering their magic, a sorcerer also
makes a good public face for a franchise, with their
darker or more chaotic tendencies either hidden or am-
plified depending on need.
Your natural charisma makes you the obvious choice
to be the leader of your franchise. Others look to you
constantly for inspiration, even if they're afraid to show
it. And that's a good fit for you. because if you can tell
others what to do and have them listen to you. it's easier
to give the most dangerous frontline tasks to them while
you cast from the back and reap the rewards.
With great profit comes great responsibility. however,
and it's important to let the other members of your fran-
chise know that they have a place where their opi nions
matter. lt's a place beneath you, sure, but good ideas
often trickle upward. It's surprising how often a sug-
gestion made by an underling turns out to be exactly
what you were planning on thinking all along. And your
understanding of chaos tells you it's easier by far to deal
with the so-called law when you have a strong team at
your back. Or, even better, at your front, so they're the
ones drawing attention to themselves if things go bad.
All sorcerers rely on an arcane focus through which
they channel their magic, but traditional focuses lack a
singular style. Staffs. orbs, wands, blah, blah. You like to
do thi ngs differently.
dlO Focus
A stuffed weasel with fake diamonds for eyes
2 A rare gold coin that sparkles as you cast
3 A copper belt buckle c reated in your own likeness
4 A pair of silver spectacles whose lenses change color
based on the school of spell you're casting
S A well-preserved sausage that smells delicious to you
and any other creature nearby
6 A gold harmonica that cranks out a dramatic tune
when you cast
7 A shrunken gnome head that blinks and sticks its
tongue out occasio nally
8 A polo mallet carved in the shape of the tarrasque
9 A flask of liquid that changes color each time you cast
10 The antler stub of a peryton, decorated with nymph
hair and pixie dust