Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

"Hand scanner" is a catchall designation for a wide
variety of handheld scanning devices designed
to run specific-purpose scans. Some of the most
common versions of these are medisensors, such
as the RFX/K Medisensor made by BioTech Indus-
tries. The device can be used independently or
plugged into a medpac or datapad, and displays a
variety of useful bio-signs about the subject. Other
scanners can check for atmospheric contaminants,
poisons, vermin, or in the case of mechanics, mi-
cro-fractures or stress points.

Models Include: RFX/K Medisensor.


These small (less than three centimeters across) bea-
cons are commonly placed on their target via darts
or other surreptitious means, where they use adhe-
sion or magnetism to stay affixed. Once in place,
they relay information such as location, direction,
and rate of movement to their user, making them
invaluable for tracking an unwitting foe. The most ex-
pensive models, such as the Rhinsome Tracking Corp
SureSnoop, can relay information through obstruc-
tions over dozens of kilometers, while the cheaper
Astroserver Industries Rover and Trailmaster and
the MechBlaze Observer tend to have much shorter
broadcast ranges and can be blocked by large build-
ings or thick masses of rock or metal.

Models Include: Rhinsome Tracking Corp SureS-
noop, Astroserver Industries Rover and Trailmaster,
MechBlaze Observer.

Finishing off a particularly profitable run is worth little
if no one lives to enjoy the credits. Having adequate
medical gear helps ensure one is always ready for his
next deal, no matter how badly the previous one went.
Many of these items are designed to augment and en-
hance (or simply permit the use of) the Medicine skill.


Bacta is a liquid used for healing, made of an artificial-
ly grown bacteria developed thousands of years ago.
It is nothing short of miraculous, working on a wide
variety of species and healing terrible wounds with
little or no scarring. It is commonly used in large tanks
for total immersion, but can also be administered in
pre-treated patches, injection, portable pouches, and
even through direct consumption. While full-size bac-
ta tanks are rare outside of major installations, some
ships often have portable tanks, and most medpacs
and field kits have bacta patches.
Bacta provides greatly accelerated healing rates, as
described on page 220.
Models Include: None.


Medpacs are common even on those ships that do
not engage in activities of dubious legality, for even
those with little medical training can use the contents
to treat injuries and save lives. Most ships carry sev-
eral, and they are a common component in most sur-
vival gear. Standard medpacs contain field dressings,

Surveillance Taggers

Emergency Medpac


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