The life blood of intergalactic commerce, transports
and freighters are the ships that carry the agricultural,
industrial, and commercial bounty of the galaxy to all
of its people. Used by militaries, governments, and
private concerns, these are spacious, generally slow
vessels with multi-person crews designed to move
goods from production to market as quickly and safe-
ly as possible. Most major ship builders make at least
one or two models of freighters or transports. Other
companies (Corellian Engineering Corporation for ex-
ample) have made their names and fortunes produc-
ing nothing but high quality commercial vessels.
Freighters are small, comparatively fast vessels
designed to carry smaller cargoes. These ships are
crewed by between two and six crewmen, and typically
have accommodations for passengers as well as capa-
cious cargo holds. Most freighters are designed and
built with an eye towards ease of modification, and are
commonly found in the hands of small, independent
shipping concerns or single owner/operators.
Transports are huge, lumbering ships designed to
carry bulk cargo on long-haul trips throughout
the galaxy. Slow and ponderous with little
or nothing in the way of armor, weap-
ons, or shields, transports must rely
on armed escorts to protect them-
selves from the predation of
pirates and raiders. They are
most likely to be found in the
fleets of massive corporate
entities, powerful shipping |
magnates, and the logis-
tics corps of large navies.
The following list is
a collection of some
of the more common
freighters and trans-
ports in use in the galaxy.
The latest in the popular Action series of bulk trans-
ports, Corellian Engineering Corporation's Action VI is
a prime example of what makes a transport. Heavy,
slow, and ponderous, the hundred-meter-long Action
VI class has an angular, lightly armored hull with a
tall, narrow cross-section. They have two main cargo
holds, one forward and one aft, equipped with sophis-
ticated cargo handling and security systems that can
be configured to carry anything from massive sealed
shipping containers and palletized cargo to livestock.
The crew live and work in a heavily reinforced, cylin-
drical hull pylon that spans the ship's dorsal ridge be-
tween the fore and aft cargo holds.
Stock Action VI transports carry no weapons, little
armor, and only rudimentary shields. However, like
most of CEC's ships, these transports are highly cus-
tomizable and can be easily fitted with weapons, ar-
mor, and more powerful shield generators.
Hull Type/Class: Transport/Action VI.
Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation.
Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 3, Backup: Class 20.
Navicomputer: Yes.
Sensor Range: Medium.
Ship's Complement: Twenty crew.
Encumbrance Capacity: 10,000.
Passenger Capacity: 5.
Consumables: Three months.
Cost/Rarity: 200,000 credits/5.
Customization Hard Points:
Weapons: None.
Produced by Koensayr, a company known more
for its starfighters and starship components than for
cargo ships, the Citadel-class is a small, relatively fast
freighter built to compete with CEC's YT and YV class
of light freighters. Known for their ruggedness and re-
liability, these ships have a broad, flat hull reminiscent
of the Imperial Navy's Lambda-class shuttle with two
long, side-mounted vertical stabilizers aft and a short,
thick stabilizer mounted between that holds the ship's
transponder and comms array. The forward hull sec-
tion houses the bridge and living quarters for the
three-person crew, with more cabins behind for pas-
sengers. Quite heavily armored for a ship of this size
and class, and equipped with military-grade shields,
Citadels have gained a reputation for being able to
absorb incredible amounts of punishment and still
deliver their passengers and cargo safely.