Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1
to normal size. The effects of the chamber aren't cumu-
lative- a reduced creature that is reduced again or an
enlarged creature that is enlarged again doesn't change
size further.
Each time the alteration chamber's reduce effect or
enlarge effect is activated, roll a d6. On a 1, the chamber
malfunctions. Instead of the normal effect, all creatures
inside the chamber must make a DC^20 Constitution
saving throw, taking 44 (8dl0) force damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. You
can replace this damaging effect with a more benign
one. For example, the chamber's magic might cause
creatures' noses to elongate or turn their skin blue; an
alteration of this sort can be undone with a greater res-
toration spell or similar magic.
Mithra/ Key. The flat, 6-inch-long mithral key is
shaped like a J with a loop at the top. This key is one of
six needed to activate the weapon of mass disintegration
in area 37.

    Light. Mounted to the diagonal walls at this intersec-
    tion are four iron torch brackets with continual flame
    spells cast on them.
    Scrap Iron. Heaped in the middle of the intersection is
    a 9-foot-high pile of scrap iron.
    Double Door. A 20 -foot-tall double door blocks the
    hallway to the north. Leering skulls are carved
    around the door.
    The scrap metal came from level 13. Whenever the
    characters leave this area and return, there is a 20 per-
    cent chance that Hrossk, the fire giant metalsmith in
    area 11, is here to collect a choice piece of scrap iron
    and bring it to area 12 to be melted down and recast.

    Pillar Sconces. This hall has a 150-foot-high arched
    ceiling buttressed by stone pillars that have sconces
    protruding from them at 10-foot intervals. Continual
    flame spells cast on the sconces illuminate the hall.
    Giant Construct. In the middle of the room, lying on
    its back on the stone-tiled floor, is a 100-foot-tall fig-
    ure made of molded iron, its feet pointing toward the
    double door to the south. The construct is missing
    its head, and there are gaps in its outer shell through
    which the construct's inner supports and mechanisms
    can be glimpsed.
    Emberosa. This female fire giant has 221 hit points
    and the innate magical ability to hurl fire at will (as
    the fire giant's Rock attack option, except it deals fire
    damage). She stands on the construct's chest, 20 feet
    above the floor. Flitting around her are her sidekicks,
    three smoke mephits.
    Pit. At the north end of the room is a 20-foot-deep pit
    with a dusty stone sarcophagus at the bottom.
    Emberosa is inspecting the work of her fellow fire
    giants and doesn't want to be disturbed. To say she has
    a temper would be an understatement. If intruders enter
    the hall, she tries to make quick work of them while her
    mephits taunt the new arrivals mercilessly. A battle here
    brings reinforcements rapidly from areas 16 and 18.

The construct is made of recast bits of scrap iron
plundered from Trobriand's Graveyard (level 13). When
complete, the construct will be the spitting image of
Halaster Blackcloak himself- 100 feet tall and made
of iron. When the time comes to conquer Waterdeep,
the Mad Mage plans to use Mecha-Halaster to destroy
the city's walking statues. Without its head and the
immense magic needed to power it, the iron construct
is nothing more than a giant boondoggle. In its current
state, it is considered an inanimate object, not a crea-
ture. Medium or smaller creatures that squeeze inside it
can use the outer shell and inner mechanisms as cover.
Bigger creatures can't fit inside the construct.

A character needs climbing gear or magic to scale the
walls of the pit, which a re made of smooth stone.
The sarcophagus at the bottom of the pit has a
bas-relief of a laughing dwarf carved into its lid, the rim
of which bears the following inscription in Dwarvish:
"Here lies Luiz Klangphorn, trapsmith. He is survived
by his work." The lid can be pushed aside with a singu-
lar or combined Strength of 18. The sarcophagus con-
tains nothing but dust, bones, and Lulz's bronzed skull.
Removing Lulz's skull from the sarcophagus causes
mechanisms in the surrounding walls to grind and
clank loudly, as though a complex trap has been set
in motion. The effect, though harmless, is meant to
frighten tomb robbers. After 1 minute, the noise stops.

    Sarcophagi. Three dusty stone sarcophagi lie in a row
    in the middle of the room. Their flat stone lids have
    been pried off and cast aside.
    Hobgoblins. Unless they have been drawn else-
    where, six hobgoblins are rummaging through the
    Secret Door. A secret door in the north wall opens into
    area 17. (The hobgoblins are unaware of the door.)
    The hobgoblins, searching aimlessly for anything
    valuable, gang up on foes to quickly take them down.
    Each sarcophagus contains the desiccated corpses of
    ld3 humanoids in scorched robes, lying atop the dust
    of the ancient dead. The corpses are those of Arcturia's
    past apprentices and assistants, each of whom dis-
    pleased her in some way and paid the ultimate price.

    This chamber is hidden behind secret doors and choked
    with dust and cobwebs. It has the following features:
    Casks. Five heavy carrying-casks (barrels 3 feet long
    and 2 feet in diameter with sturdy rope handles) are
    stacked in the middle of the room. The ale inside them
    turned to vinegar and evaporated long ago.
    Crate. Next to the casks is a brittle crate containing six-
    ty-six small brass oil lamps shaped like dragon heads
    with open, smiling jaws. Each lamp has a wick, but
    there's no oil to be found.
    Stool. A three-legged stool lies on its side in the north-
    east corner. The bones of a dead stirge are nearby.

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