Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1

cate one in area 14b. A character proficient with smith's
tools can also fashion one out of scrap metal in a tenday
using an intact forge.)
Treasure. Yrlakka carries a potion of resistance (fire)
in a tiny crystal vial fastened to a cord around his right
ankle, and he has a wand of magic detection hanging
from his belt.

In the west half of the room, a semicircular fountain
e merges from the north wall. Fresh water springs from
the mouth of a stone trout held in the arms of a merman
bas·relief carved above the fountain's basin, which is
filled almost to the brim.
The water pouring into the fountain is drinkable. It
drains out slowly through holes along the inside lip of
the basin.

    Characters who listen at the doors to these rooms can
    easily hear the clanging of hammers striking metal,
    even though the forge was destroyed and abandoned
    long ago. The sounds are illusory effects created by the
    Mad Mage (see "Halaster's Lair,'' page 311) that end
    when any door to the smithy is opened.

Raw metal was stored here until it could be cast into
weapons and armor. Now, the room has been mostly
cleared out, and the door that leads to area 25b has
been smashed to rubble.
What looks like a large iron book lies facedown on the
floor in the northeast corner. Closer inspection reveals
that the object is a cast-iron mold for smelting metal in-
gots. The hinged covers form the top and bottom halves
of an ingot mold last used by duergar long ago. One side
of the mold bears the image of a dwarf's head in profile,
the other an image of a mind flayer's skull.

This room contains a rusty iron anvil and the shattered
remains of a s tone forge, cold and dark for centuries.
Bare iron hooks line the walls, the floor is strewn with
rubble, and the door to area 25a has been smashed.
If you haven't done so in a while, remind the players
that their characters can't shake the feeling that they're
being observed (one of Netherskull's regional effects).

    This 20-foot-high, domed chamber is dominated by a
    12 -foot-tall s tone statue of Moradin, the great dwarven
    god of the forge. It stands in the middle of the room
    facing the only exit. The statue is veined with bright
    mithral, and with one hand it raises a stone hammer
    carved with faintly glowing runes. A steel plaque at the
    base of the statue reads in Dwarvish, "All that is made
    can be unmade."
    The statue can't be budged or damaged. A detect
    magic spell reveals powerful auras of abjuration and
    transmutation magic surrounding both it and the ham-
    mer, which cannot be separated from one another.

This trap fills the^10 -foot square directly in front of the
statue. A creature teleported by this trap arrives at a
location determined by rolling a d20 and consulting the
following table:
d20 Teleport Destination
1-6 The teleport trap in area l
7-14 The teleport trap in area^10
15-20 The teleport trap in area^35

Additional Effect: Moradin Smash! When a creature
is teleported to this location from another teleport trap,
a disembodied voice s houts, "Teleported!" at the same
moment the statue of Morad in animates and takes a
swing at the creature with its hammer. The target must
succeed on a DC^17 Dexterity saving throw or take^40
(6d 10 + 7) force damage. Any creature reduced to^0 hit
points by this damage is disintegrated, along with all
items it is wearing and carrying except for artifacts. Af-
ter swinging the hammer once, the statue reverts to its
inanimate state until the trap is triggered again.

    Halaster captured a dwarf vampire named Zorak Light-
    drinker and magically bound him here.
    Open Pit. A 20-foot-long,^40 -foot-deep pit spans the
    width of the corridor. Blood stains the pit's sheer
    walls, which are too smooth to climb without climbing
    gear, magic, or a trait such as Spider Climb.
    Sarcophagus. At the bottom of the pit rests a 6-foot-
    long, 3-foot-wide alabaster sarcophagus draped in
    cobwebs. Its lid is carved to resemble a giant bat with
    folded wings. (The sarcophagus contains a vampire.)
    Floating above the vessel is a magic rune that glows
    as bright as a candle flame.
    A character who understands Dwarvish recognizes
    the glowing, magical rune as a dwarven symbol of death
    (identical to the one inscribed on the door to area 14a).
    The first time a creature crosses from one side of the pit
    to the other, the rune disappears and imprints itself as
    a death mark on a visible portion of the creature's face
    or body. The mark disappears when its bearer dies or
    when the vampire is destroyed. Only a wish spell or a
    deity can remove a death mark otherwise.
    The sarcophagus at the bottom of the pit is a
    2,000-pound chunk of hollowed-out alabaster. Zorak
    Lightdrinker, a vampire in mist form, is trapped inside.
    When the death mark is imprinted on a creature, the
    sarcophagus crumbles to dust and Zorak is released.
    T he sarcophagus is otherwise indestructible.
    A geas spell cast by Ha laster compels Zorak to hunt
    down and destroy the creature bearing the death mark,
    singling out that target above all others. Zorak knows
    the exact location of the marked creature while the two
    of them are on the same plane of existence. Slaying the
    bearer of the death mark frees Zorak from Halaster 's
    geas spell, whereupon the vampire seeks to return to his
    true lair in the Underdark.
    If a successful dispel magic spell is cast on the rune
    (DC 19) before it imprints on a creature, the rune dis-

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