Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1
The shelves along the walls of this cavern are piled high
with leather and bone tubes holding maps of planar lo-
cations and small, unnamed dungeons. A character who
searches through the maps for 1 hour and succeeds on
a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check discovers a
recently updated map of Stardock, though none of the
asteroid's rooms are labeled.

Two cushioned chairs in this rough-walled room face
2-foot-long, 6-inch-wide window slits through which can
be seen the void of space.

Food, water, and other supplies for the inhabitants of the
creche are stored here.

Warriors. Four githyanki warriors are organizing
crates and setting aside food for the kitchen. They at-
tack in response to any threat or suspicious activity. If
two githyanki fall, the survivors retreat to area 21.
Containers. Stacked about the room are forty crates
filled with nonperishable food and forty barrels of
fresh water.
Beams. Two thick wooden beams lean against the wall
between sets of double doors.
The food crates are each 2 feet on a side and weigh 50
pounds. The water barrels are 4 feet tall and weigh 500
pounds each. As an action, a creature can attempt a DC
22 Strength check to push over a stack of crates or bar-
rels. A successful check triggers a domino effect, caus-
ing all the stacks to fall. Each creature on the floor of the
room when the stacks topple must succeed on a DC 15
Dexterity saving throw or take 11 (2d10) bludgeoning
damage and be knocked prone.
The beams can be used to bar the double doors from
the inside- a defensive measure in case the asteroid is
attacked by spacefaring creatures. Each beam is 8 feet
long and weighs 250 pounds. Once the double doors are
barred shut, only a siege engine or a creature that has
the Siege Monster trait can force them open.

This area extends under area 18b, as indicated on the
map. A magic ward keeps the temperature in this area
at 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Characters who stay in this
area for more than 1 hour suffer the effects of extreme
cold (see chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide).
The githyanki keep twelve crates here, filled with
fresh produce and meat and stacked in two rows of six.
Each crate is 2 feet on a side and weighs 50 pounds.
The foodstuffs come from distant worlds and are un-
familiar to most of Toril's population. Labels written in
Gith reveal some of the crates' more savory contents,
such as infinity vine stalks, H'cathan doom radishes,
aartuk tongues, giant space hamster hocks, dried mor-
tiss meat, pickled jammer leeches, and puffer steaks.

  1. DOCK
    This stone dock was carved out of the asteroid. Despite
    its incalculable age, it's sturdy and safe. Because the
    dock is built along the asteroid's gravity plane, creatures
    can stand on its underside as easily as atop it. The ex-
    perience of standing on the topside or underside of the
    dock can be disorienting, however, what with the planet
    Tori! looming large below the asteroid.
    The air around the dock is no different from the air
    in the asteroid, and the temperature here is 70 degrees
    Fahrenheit. These things cease to be true when one
    leaves the asteroid's air envelope, where the inhospita-
    ble vacuum of space awaits.

The adult red dragon Ashtyrranthor patrols the outside
of the asteroid, staying inside its air envelope. If the
characters stay on the dock for more than 10 minutes or
make any loud noise while in this area, Ashtyrranthor
notices them and swoops in for the kill.

Spacefaring vessels dock here to bring in supplies for
the inhabitants of Stardock. There are no ships at the
dock while the characters are on the asteroid.
If you want to expand the characters' adventures to
their widest possible extent, a githyanki astral ship or a
spelljamming vessel could arrive while the characters
are exploring Stardock. Where such a ship would go
next is up to you.

    Githyanki warriors live and train in this area.

A male githyanki knight named Raajna and his mount,
a female young red dragon named Smoakcant, are on
duty here. They keep the warriors in line and defend the
nursery (area 16). If they are not alerted to the charac-
ters' approach, the two are talking in Draconic, discuss-
ing how to best torture new mind flayer prisoners. The
githyanki and the dragon fight intruders to the death.
Treasure. Raajna's plate armor is set with six red spi-
nels (100 gp each) and two peridots (500 gp each).

This area extends under area 22, as indicated on map

  1. The rough-walled chamber contains the following:
    Warriors. Ten githyanki warriors (five females and five
    males) reside here. If they have not been alerted, half
    of the githyanki are asleep when the characters arrive.
    The others are playing Dragonchess and talking in
    their native language.
    Furnishings. Fifteen wooden bunk beds are arranged
    in three rows of five in the narrower portion of the
    room. Six round tables, each encircled by five chairs,
    stand in the wider area.
    Secret Trapdoor. A secret trapdoor in the 30-foot-high
    ceiling leads to area 22. The trapdoor is a 3-foot-
    square stone slab that requires a successful DC 13
    Strength (Athletics) check to lift.

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