Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1
of roaring iron stoves and a 10 -foot-long table covered
with pots, bowls, and cutlery.
Shelves. S helves carved into the walls hold jars of
spices and various other cooking ingredients.
The warriors attack intruders on sight. Combat here
brings reinforcements from area 27.
The stoves are piping hot. Any creature that touches
a stove for the first time on a turn takes 3 (ld6)
fire damage.

Fur n ishings. Six 10 -foot-long tables, each set with eight
chairs, stand in neat rows.
Githya nki. Unless they have been drawn elsewhere, five
githyanki wa rriors (three females and two males)
and one male githyanki gish (see appendix A) are eat-
ing together at a table, talking in low, angry tones.
If the characters get close to this area without alert-
ing its occupants, they hear the githyanki complaining
in Gith about Al'chaia's cruelty. The githyanki attack
at once in response to any threat, fighting until four or
more of them fall. Survivors then flee to area 30 without
going through area 29.

The githyanki repair and store weapons and armor here.

Ten suits of plate armor and thirty suits of half plate
hang on wooden stands throughout the room. The
armor is crafted in the baroque style favored by the
githyanki, and the suits of plate armor have empty sock-
ets and fittings where gemstones are meant to be set
(though none are present in the suits displayed here).

Githya nki. A female githyanki warrior named Salarrl
is busy repairing armor at a forge. A wooden trestle
table and an iron anvil are arranged nearby.
Weapons. Thirty greatswords hang on weapon racks
mounted to the walls.
Salarrl is engrossed in her work. Any character who
succeeds on a DC 12 Dexterity (Stealth) check can
sneak by her unnoticed. If she detects intruders, Salarrl
retreats to area 30.

    Enemies of the githyanki are imprisoned in this area,
    which consists of three large cells (areas 29a, 29b, and
    29c) and a guard post (area 29d). A separate and perma-
    nent antimagic field fills the interior of each cell.
    The doors to the cells, which stand outside the range
    of the antimagic fields, are magically locked. Any crea-
    ture that carries a Stardock rod (see "Stardock Rods,"
    page 214) can open a cell door, which has no physical
    locks to be picked. A door can also be opened by a knock
    spell or similar magic cast outside the cells.
    The guards in area 29d know when one of the cell
    doors is opened and investigate.

The walls of this cell are covered in crudely etched
graffiti dating back to a time before the githyanki took
over Stardock.

29B. E zRIA's CELL
Ezria, a githzerai zerth with 32 hit points remaining, is
imprisoned here. He lost his left eye years ago in a brawl
with a blue slaad. An eye patch covers the loss but does
little to hide the nasty scar across his face. He owes his
fresh bruises to his githyanki hosts.
Ezria is normally calm and collected. That changes if
the characters are accompanied by one or more mind
flayers, whereupon Ezria loses his composure and tries
to kill the illithids with his bare hands. He doesn't trust
anyone who would ally with such creatures.
Ezria was caught spying on the githyanki in the
Crystal Labyrinth. They have been torturing him for
information, hoping to learn how many other githzerai
are nearby. Ezria's will is nigh unbreakable, and he has
answered none of the githyanki's questions. Ezria is not
of a mind to share this information with the characters,
either- at least not until they earn his trust by seeing
him safely back to his friends on level 15.
If the characters profess to be enemies of the mind
flayers, Ezria tells them that a mind flayer colony has
formed in Seadeeps (level 17), and the githyanki are
waging war against them. He will gladly accompany the
characters if their intention is to wipe out the illithid col-
ony. (As a party member, he's entitled to a full share of
XP for defeating monsters.) At the very least, if the char-
acters help Ezria escape, he asks to stay with them until
they return to the Crystal Labyrinth. He then departs to
rejoin his friends on level 15.

Tel'zact and Yeluit, two mind flayers from Seadeeps
(level 17), are held captive here. Al'chaia is keeping them
alive until they can be pitted against her finest githyanki
knights in a display of battle prowess for the benefit of
the young warriors in training.
If the characters try to engage with Tel'zact and Yeluit,
the mind flayers propose a deal. With the aid of their
detect thoughts spells, the illithids have learned that
Al'chaia keeps a manual of gainful exercise and a tome
of clear thought in her quarters. If the characters help
the mind flayers escape, the illithids help them search
for Al'chaia's quarters (area 22) and claim the books. If
an opportunity arises to turn against the characters for
personal gain, the freed illithids take advantage of it.

Gish. Two female githyanki gish (see appendix A)
named Aruut and Yangol stand in the middle of this
unfurnished room, speaking to each other in low
tones as they watch the cell doors.
Green Crystals. A glowing green crystal is embedded
above each cell door.
Characters who get close to the githyanki without
alerting them overhear them talking (in Gith) about the
mind flayer prisoners in area 29c. Aruut and Yangol are

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