Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1


Simple yet comfor table furniture is set around this
dusty parlor, which has not seen much use in recent
years. A sideboard standing against the northwest wall
has a large, steel-framed mirror mounted above it.

    Altar and Fresco. Three steps ascend to an alcove hold-
    ing a stone altar. The wall behind the altar bears a
    fresco of a large white gauntlet (the symbol of Torm).
    Statues. Standing in the "tips" of the crescent-shaped
    room, flanking the altar, are a pair of life-size stone
    statues that depict human paladins clad in plate ar-
    mor. (The statues resemble Dezmyr and Zalthar Sha-
    dowdusk as they appeared when they were alive.)


Shadowdusk family members use these rooms for silent
reflection and contemplation.

Soft cushions and woven mats adorn the floor of this fra-
grant room. Brass censers hold cones of unlit incense. A
secret door in the southeast wall leads to area 23b.

This chamber contains no light sources and is unnatu-
rally dark. Any bright light that shines into this room or
inside it is reduced to dim light, and dim light is reduced
to darkness. Darkvision functions normally here.
A stone table rests against the waJI opposite the door.
A tablet made of black crystal inscribed with strange
writing rests on the table. The tablet is cold to the touch,
and its writing appears to writhe.
Treasure. Xerrion Shadowdusk originally used the
tablet to contact beings of the Far Realm. Other family
members have used it for similar purposes over the
years. It weighs 11 pounds and measures 7 inches wide,
13 inches tall, and 2 inches thick.
The black crystal tablet is a legendary magic item that
requires attunement by a creature that has proficiency
in the Arcana s kill. Any creature that attunes to the
tablet must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw at the
end of its next long rest. On a failed save, the creature
becomes afflicted with a random form of long-term mad-
ness (see "Madness" in chapter^8 of the Dungeon Mas-
ter's Guide).
As an action, a creature attuned to the black crystal
tablet can use it to cast eyebite or gate (the portal cre-
ated by this spell links to the Far Realm only). After the
tablet is used to cast a s pell, it cannot be used again un-
til the next dawn.


    This wing of Shadowdusk Hold serves as the home of
    family members whose mad thirst for arcane knowledge
    transformed them into nothics.

Twelve nothics gather here and glare suspiciously at
strangers while spouting nonsense among themselves.


If the characters do anything to startle the nothics,
they attack; otherwise, the nothics let characters pass
through this room unmolested.

Two nothics cower beneath mounds of rotting tapes-
tries piled against the east wall. The nothics sheepishly
observe passersby and avoid combat.

The nothics throw garbage here, including the half.
eaten corpses of rats, bats, and other vermin. The shred-
ded remains of a tapestry depicting the city of Water-
deep hang on the south wall.


    This room served as quarters for members of the Sha-
    dowdusk family until they became nothics. Nothing
    remains except for splintered furniture and a shredded,
    unidentifiable tapestry hanging on the west wall.


The nothics s teal books and store them in this chamber,
the features of which are as follows:
Tapestry. A tapestry depicting silhouetted figures stand-
ing before a starry sky covers the west wall.
Towers of Books. Stacks of books are set around the
room, some ris ing almost to the ceiling.

A search of the stacks turns up four profoundly philo-
sophical texts worth 250 gp each to an interested sage.
Their titles are Patterns in the Tapestry of Time, The
U'keth Prophecies, Whispers of a Bygone Truth, and
Tales of Existential Dread.
The tapestry features a stunning night sky set with
pearls and diamond chips as stars, but the constella-
tions match none known in Faerfin. The tapestry is
worth 2,500 gp and weighs 30 pounds.

  1. PRIVY
    This room contains several filthy latrine stalls and is
    caked in waste. The Shadowdusks use chamber pots
    that the nothics e mpty into this area. The nothics use
    the privy with no regard for its condition.


    Two sets of double doors lead to this hall, and opening
    either set alerts the creatures on guard here. The hall's
    contents are as follows:
    Slaadi. Four invisible death slaadi stand guard next
    to the northernmost pillars. The slaadi serve at the
    pleasure of Dezmyr and Zalthar, and they attack in-
    truders on sight.
    Fresco. Two stone benches arranged side by side in the
    middle of the hall face a colorful fresco on the north
    wall. The fresco, 30 feet long by 15 feet tall, depicts a
    slender, middle-aged human wizard (Xerrion Shadow-
    dusk) standing before a magic portal with tentacles
    pouring out of it. The wizard is smiling, and clutched
    in his arms is a black crystal tablet.

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