Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1

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The charred skuli is all that remains of Dezmyr's
mother, Yarlithra Shadowdusk, who perished in the
blaze that destroyed the original Shadowdusk Hold in
Waterdeep. Dezmyr keeps her mother's skull as a me-
mento to remind her of her ambitions and purpose.
Treasure. Examination of the tapestry reveals that all
the flags flapping above the city bear the upright Sha-
dowdusk family crest. The tapestry is worth 250 gp and
weighs 50 pounds.

This room contains unused furniture draped in cob-
webs, including a canopied bed and a claw-footed ar-
moire. A headless wooden mannequin in the southwest
corner wears a dusty yellow ball gown more than a cen-
tury out of fashion.

Dezmyr. Dezmyr Shadowdusk (see below) stands in the
middle of the room, clad in ancient armor and joined
by six wraiths (her counselors).
Portraits. Dozens of framed portraits hang from hooks
on the south and west walls. (The portraits represent
various members of the Shadowdusk family. All the
depictions are warped in subtle ways. Some of the
family members have starry eyes, while others have
melted flesh or tentacles sprouting from their faces.)
Fresco. A 10-foot-square, tiled fresco on the middle of
the east wall depicts Dezmyr and Zalthar Shadow-
dusk as heavily armored human paladins of Torm,
riding on armored horses and brandishing shields.
Zalthar's shield is mostly hidden behind his body and
horse, but displayed prominently on Dezmyr's shield is
the Shadowdusk family crest (a lit, upright torch with
three embers trailing off it, set against a purple disk).
Dezmyr is so touched by the Far Realm that she
speaks in riddles. As soon as one or more characters
enter the room, she says, "The stars turn, and a time
presents itself." She then draws her sword and attacks,
aided by the wraiths. Dezmyr is a death knight, with
these changes:

  • As a bonus action on her turn, Dezmyr can warp
    reality, undoing damage dealt to herself or another
    creature that she can see within 20 feet of her. The
    beneficiary of this warped reality instantly regains 10
    hit points.

  • She has the locate creature spell prepared instead of

  • She speaks Abyssal, Common, and Deep Speech.
    Secret Door. Set into the east wall, north of the fresco
    of Dezmyr on horseback, is a locked secret door. Any
    character who studies the fresco and succeeds on a DC
    20 Wisdom (Perception) check can tell that the family
    crest on Dezmyr's shield can be rotated. Turning it so
    that the torch is upside down instead of upright unlocks
    the secret door and causes it to swing open into area 37.


The Far Realm has warped the fabric of this chamber
and its current occupant. The contents of this 20 -foot-
high room are as follows:


Undulations. The walls and pillars undulate and bulge,
as though the stone were amorphous. (The effect is
unnerving but harmless.)
Statue. A deep alcove in the north wall contains a life.
size statue whose human features seems to change
every few seconds (see "Morphing Statue" below).
Cassiok and Pet. Facing the statue with its back to the
rest of the room is a black-robed creature (Cassiok
Shadowdusk) leaning heavily on a staff. Next to Cas-
siok is his loyal pet, a grick alpha, and an invisible
gray slaad that serves as his valet.
Cassiok Shadowdusk is a middle-aged man trans-
formed by prolonged exposure to the Far Realm. Al-
though his head remains human, his body is that of a
giant beetle that walks on its hind legs.
Cassiok is an archmage, with these changes:

  • He is a chaotic evil aberration who speaks Common,
    Deep Speech, Infernal, and Undercommon.

  • He has the phantasmal killer spell prepared instead of

  • He wears the gray slaad's control gem (a fist-sized gray
    gem) on a chain around his neck.

  • He wields a staff of power that grants him a +2 bonus
    to Armor Class, spell attack rolls, and saving throws.
    His insectoid physiology prevents him from making
    melee attacks with the staff.

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