Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9
Plan How do you know which x-values to choose? Choose positive and negative values. Choose x-values that divide easily into 8 to ...
Think How can you check the reasonableness of your answers? Substitute each x-value from the table into the equation and find th ...
G o t It? 5. Does each situation rep resen t a direct variation or an inverse v ariatio n? Explain your reasoning. a. You buy sw ...
Q Apply Do the data in each table represent a direct variation or an inverse variation? Write an equation to model the data in e ...
Tell w hether each table represents a direct variation or an inverse variation Write an equation to model the data. Then complet ...
Grap h in g Rat ional Fu n ct i o n s Object ive To graph rational functions @ Common Co r e St at e St and ar d s F- I F. B. 4 ...
The graphs of m any rational functions are related to each other. C om pare the graphs below of y = \ and y = J 33. The graphs a ...
Compare the graphs and asymptotes below of y = \ and y = \ + 3. vertical asymptote at x = 0 horizontal asymptote at y = 0 vertic ...
® ^ Got It? 3. a. What are the asymptotes of the graph of y = j+^3 - 4? Graph the function. b. Reasoning Is it possible for two ...
You can think of functions whose graphs have similar features as families of functions. You have studied six families of functio ...
Lesson Check Do y o u k n o w H OW? What is the excluded value for y = —l- What are the asymptotes of f{x) = y-—g + 3? Graph th ...
Event Planning You have a budget of $1200 to pay the musicians who will play a charity benefit. Two musicians have agreed to pe ...
^ Challenge Graph each function. Include a dashed line for each asymptote. r X 1 45- § W = A 46‘ 3/ = (x-1)2 4 7 - y=(x- 2)(x + ...
Co n cep t Byt e Use W ith Lesson 11 -7 @ C om m on C ore State S tandards ^ mm L||««« A-CED.A.2 Creat e equations in two or mor ...
To sol ve t h ese problems you will pull together many concep t s and sk i l l s t h at you have st udied about rat ional exp re ...
Ch ap t er Rev i ew Co n n ect i n g 8 I G i d e a s an d A n sw e r i n g t he Essen t i al Q u e st i o n s l Eq u ivalen ce R ...
11-1 Quick Review A rational expression is an expression that can be written in the form A rational expression is in simplified ...
11 - 4 A d d i n g a n d Su b t r ac t i n g Ra t i o n a l Ex p r e ssi o n s Quick Review Ex e r c i s e s You can add and sub ...
Quick Review When the product of two variables is constant, the variables form an inverse variation. You can write an inverse va ...
Ch ap t er Test MathXL® for School^ yjg W Go to Do y o u k n o w H OW? Write an equation of the inverse variati ...
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