Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Mid-Chapter Quiz / Go to PowerAlgebra.comMathXL for School^

Do y o u k n o w H OW?

Solve each equation. Check your answer.

  1. 38 = 2 a+ 54

  2. t + 18.1 = 23.9

  3. 18.9 = 2.1x

      1. = 2

Solve each equation. Justify your steps.

  1. 9 -3 r= 14

  2. 3 = + 11

Solve each equation. If the equation is an identity, write
identity. If it has no solution, write no sol ut i on.

  1. 8{ h — 1) = 6h + 4 + 2 h

  2. ±(14 - Ip) - 2 = - 2 ( |p + 3)

;= 15

C + 3

  • 6

  1. |( x - 4) = |( 2 x -^6 )

  2. 1.7m = 10.2

  3. 2 + \ t = 1 + \t

  4. Geom etry The form ula for the area of a triangle
    is A = \bh. Solve th e form ula for h. A trian g le
    has a base of 7 cm an d a n area of 28 cm2. W hat is
    its height?

  5. Menus A n ew pizza shop is going to p rin t new
    m enus. Each m e n u costs $.50 to produce. The
    ow ners have a total b udget of $2500 for th e new
    m enus. How m any m en u s can th e pizza shop print?

  6. Guitars You p aid $600 for a new guitar. Your guitar
    cost $40 m ore th a n twice th e cost of your friend's
    guitar. How m u ch did your friend’s guitar cost?

Define a variable and write an equation to model each
situation. Then solve.

  1. Concerts C oncert tickets cost $25 each. A college
    stu d en t o rdered som e tickets online. There was a
    service charge of $3 p e r ticket. The total cam e to
    $252. How m any tickets did the s tu d en t order?

  2. Gyms M em bership for th e Alpine rock-climbing
    gym costs $25 p e r m o n th plus a $125 sign-up fee.
    M em bership for Rocco’s rock-clim bing gym costs
    $30 p e r m o n th plus a $50 sign-up fee.
    a. After how m any m o n th s will th e m em berships
    cost the same?
    b. If you only w a n te d a o ne-year m em bership, w hich
    gym would you join?


  1. Vocabulary C om plete: You can use subtraction
    to u n d o addition. S ubtraction is called th e ?
    of addition.

  2. Reasoning The eq u a tio n | = | +1 is tru e for all
    values of x w here x + 0. Is th e e q u a tio n an identity?

  3. Writing Would you solve the equation 10 = 4(y - 1 )
    by using th e Distributive P roperty or by dividing
    each side by 4? Explain.

  4. Reasoning In th e process of solving an equation,
    a s tu d en t n o ticed th a t th e variable was elim inated.
    The stu d en t co n clu d ed th at the eq u a tio n m u st be an
    identity. Is th e stu d en t correct? Explain.

  5. Reasoning You are solving the equ atio n
    0.02x - 0.004 = 0.028. Your first step is to m ultiply
    b o th sides by 1000 to clear th e decim als. Your
    classm ate starts by dividing b o th sides by 0. 02.
    Is th ere any disadvantage to your classm ate's
    method? Explain.

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