Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Will th e inform ation you n e e d to find have units of m easure? If so, w hat do you
    th in k those u n its will be?
    Step 2 Formulate a plan to solve the problem.

  2. W hat units n e e d to be converted to solve th e problem?

  3. How do you know w hich conversion factors to use to solve th e problem?
    Step 3 Solve the problem.

  4. Use u n it analysis to find w h at you d escribed in Step 1.

  5. Is the claim reasonable? Explain.
    Step 4 Check your solution.

  6. Are th e units of your solution w hat you expected? Explain.

  7. Does your answ er m ake sense? Explain.

Ex e r c i se s

  1. The units m i/h an d c m /s are units of d istan ce/tim e. W hat do th ese u n its m easure?

  2. How can you use u n it analysis to h elp you solve a problem?
    Use unit analysis to help you solve each problem.

  3. A p o p u lar racetrack is 2.5 m iles long. A race is com pleted in 150 laps. O ne year,
    th e w in n e r’s average speed was 161 m iles p e r hour. D uring cautionary lap runs,
    th e speed was only ab o u t 80 m iles p e r hour. If th e race h a d 30 cautionary laps,
    a b o u t how long did it take th e w in n er to com plete th e race?
    0 2 2. E rro r A n alysis Your gas tan k holds 13.5 gallons of gas. Your fuel gauge shows th at
    your tan k is one q u a rte r full. Your car gets an average of 25 m iles p er gallon. The
    GPS shows th at you are 85 m iles from your destination. Your b ro th er says you will
    m ake it. Is h e correct? Use u n it analysis to justify your response.

52^ 23. Chemistry A m etal b ar in th e sh ap e of a rectangular p rism w ith dim ensions
6 cm X 8 cm X 2 cm h as a m ass of 53 g. The density of th e m etal is expressed in
units of g/cm 3. Use w hat you have learn ed ab o u t u n it analysis to find the density
of th e m etal.

  1. According to the directions, a 12-ounce can of lem o n ad e concentrate m akes 64
    ounces of lem onade. If each serving is 8 ounces, how m any 12-ounce cans of
    concentrate are n e e d e d to m ake 120 servings?

c | Co n ce p t By t e Unit Analysis _ _ 1 2 3
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