Proportions and
Similar Figures
Common Core State Standards
A-CED.A.1 Create equations... in one variable and use
them to solve problems. Include equations arising from
lin e a r ... functions. Also A-REI.B.3
MP 1, MP 2, MP 3, MP4, MP 6
Objectives To find m issing lengths in sim ilar figures
To use sim ilar figures w h en m easu rin g indirectly
c\LV£ j.
A good model is
an e x a c t copy o f
the thing th a t it
represents. It's
ju st a d iffe re n t
Lesso n
sim ilar f ig u r es
- scale drawing
- scale
- scale model
In th e Solve It, the sailboat an d its m odel have th e sam e shape b u t they are different
sizes. Similar figures have th e sam e shape b u t n o t necessarily th e sam e size.
Essential U nderstanding You can use p ro p o rtio n s to find m issing side lengths
in sim ilar figures. Such figures can help you m easu re real-w orld distances indirectly.
The symbol ~ m ean s “is sim ilar to.” In th e diagram , A ABC ~ A FGH.
In sim ilar figures, the m easures of corresponding angles are equal, a n d corresponding
side lengths are in proportion. The order of th e letters w h en you n am e sim ilar figures
is im p o rtan t because it tells w hich p arts of the figures are corresponding parts. So,
because AABC ~ A FGH, the following is true.
AA = AF A B = AG AC = AH and
The sym bol = means "is congruent to."
Congruent angles have the same measure.
AC __ BC
The ratios are equal.
130 Chapter 2 So l v i n g Eq u a t i o n s