Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. A{n) = 0.5 + { n - 1)(3.5) 51. A(n) = - 7 + (n - 1)(5)

  2. A{n) = 1 + {n - l ) ( - 6 ) 53. A{n) = - 2 .1 + {n - 1)(—1.1)

Q Apply Tell whether each sequence is arithmetic. Justify your answer. If the sequence is
arithmetic, write a recursive and an explicit formula to represent it.

  1. 0.3, 0.9,1.5, 2. 1 ,... 55. -3, -7, -11, -1 5 ,...

  2. 1, 8, 27, 6 4 , ... 57. -5, 5, -5, 5 ,...

  3. 46, 31,16, 2,... 59. 0.2, - 0 .6 , -1 .4 , -2 .2 ,...

Using the recursive formula for each arithmetic sequence, find the second,
third, and fourth terms of the sequence. Then write the explicit formula that
represents the sequence.

  1. A (n) = A{n - 1) - 4; A(l) = 8 61. A{n) = A{n - 1) + 1.2; 71(1) = 8.8

  2. A{n) = A {n - 1) + 3; 71(1) = 13 63. A{n) = A {n - 1) - 2; 7l(l) = 0

  3. Reasoning An arithm etic sequence can be re p resen te d by th e explicit function
    A{n) = —10 + (n — 1)(4). D escribe th e relationship b etw een th e first term a n d the
    second term. D escribe th e relationship betw een th e second term an d th e third
    term. W rite a recursive form ula to represent this sequence.

  4. Open-Ended W rite a function rule for a seq u e n ce th a t has 25 as th e sixth term.

Write the first six terms in each sequence. Explain what the sixth term means in
the context of the situation.

  1. A cane of bam boo is 30 in. tall th e first w eek an d grows 6 in. p e r w eek thereafter.

  2. You borrow $350 from a friend th e first w eek an d pay th e friend back $25 each week

68. Think About a Plan Suppose th e first Friday of a n e w y e a r is th e fourth day of th at
year. Will th e year have 53 Fridays regardless of w h e th e r or n o t it is a leap year?

  • W hat is a rule that represents th e sequence of the days in the year th at are Fridays?

  • How m any full weeks are in a 365-day year?

  1. Look For a Pattern The first five rows of Pascal's Triangle are show n at
    th e right.
    a. Predict th e n u m b ers in th e seventh row.
    b. Find th e sum of th e n u m b ers in each of th e first five rows. Predict the
    sum of th e n u m b ers in th e seventh row.

  2. Transportation Buses ru n every 9 m in starting at 6:00 a.m. You get to
    th e bus stop at 7:16 a.m. How long will you w ait for a bus?

  3. Multiple Representations Use the table at th e right th a t shows an
    arithmetic sequence.
    a. Copy an d com plete th e table.
    b. G raph th e ordered pairs (x, y) on a coordinate plane.
    c. W hat do you notice a b o u t th e points o n your graph?

280 Chapter 4 An Int ro d uct io n t o Funct ions

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