Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Pull It All Together

To solve these
you w ill pull
to g e th e r many
concepts and
skills that
you have
studied about

Co m p l et i n g t h e Per f o r m an ce Task
Look back at your results from th e Apply W hat You've L earned sections in Lessons 4-2,4-4,
a n d 4-7. Use th e w ork you did to com plete th e following.

  1. Solve th e problem in th e Task D escription on page 233 by determ ining w h e th e r Jayden’
    or Keiko's blog will b e th e first to have 200 subscribers. A ssum e th e grow th in each
    blog’s subscribers continues to follow th e established pattern. Show all your w ork an d
    explain each step of your solution.

  2. Reflect Choose one of the Mathematical Practices below and explain howyou applied it in
    your work on the Performance Task.
    MP 1: Make sense of problem s an d persevere in solving them.
    MP 4: M odel w ith m athem atics.
    MP 8: Look for a n d express regularity in re p eated reasoning.

On Yo u r Ow n
Santana an d G arrett started w riting blogs at th e sam e time. The n u m b e r of subscribers S
to S antana’s blog can be m od eled by th e function S = 12m + 24, w here m is th e n u m b e r of
m o n th s since she started th e blog. D ata for th e n u m b e r of subscribers to G arrett’s blog are
show n in th e table below.

Garrett's Blog

0 84
1 90

a. Assum e th e growth in each blog's subscribers continues to follow the established
pattern. Will S antana an d G arrett ever have th e sam e n u m b e r of subscribers? If so, how
many? Explain.
b. After how m any m o n th s will S antana have m ore subscribers th a n G arrett? Explain.
282 Ch ap t er 4 Pull It A ll To g et h er

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