Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Po l y n o m i al s

and Fact oring

Get Ready! 483
Common Core Performance Task 485
8-1 A d d in g and S ubtracting Polynom ials 4 8 6
8-2 Multiplying and Factoring 492
Concept Byte ACTIVITY: U s i n g M o d e l s t o M u l t i p l y 4 9 7
8-3 M ultiplying Binomials 498
8-4 Multiplying Special Cases 504
Mid-Chapter Quiz 510
Concept Byte ACTIVITY: U s in g M o d e ls t o F a c to r 5 1 1
F a c to rin g x 2 + bx + c 5 1 2
Factoring ax2 + bx+c 518
Factoring Special Cases 523
Factoring by G rouping 529
Assessment a n d Test Prep
Pull It A ll Toge th e r 5 3 4
Chapter Review 535
C h a p te r Test 5 3 9
Cumulative Standards Review 540


Visual Se e It!

Connecting BIG IDEAS

Rea so n i n g Try It! Pr act i ce Do It!

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Essential Understanding
Know —> Need —» Plan

Practice by Example 429
Think About a Plan 430
Error Analysis/Reasoning 444

Contents x x x m
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