Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Co m m o n Co r e Pe r f o r m a n c e Ta sk

Pl an n i n g a W a l k o f Fam e

Naomi is designing a walk of fame to honor her school’s best athletes. The
walkway will consist of a pattern of tiles, as shown in the figures below. There will
be two rows of tiles that are inscribed with the names of athletes, and a row of
plain tiles in between. In the pattern, n is the number of names on each side of the

W® W® W® itae w® w®

w® w® W® W® W® w ®
n = 1 n = 2 n = 3

The inscribed tiles cost $15 each, and the plain tiles cost $5 each. Naomi’s budget
for the tiles is $500.

Task D escr i p t i o n

Determine the number of athletes the school will be able to honor on the walk
of fame.

Co n n ect i n g t h e Task t o t h e M at h Pr act i ces

As you complete the task, you’ll apply several Standards for Mathematical

  • You’ll determine the relationship between the number of names and the
    number of each type of tile. (MP 7)

  • You’ll write and simplify expressions using properties of real numbers. (MP 2)

  • You’ll solve an equation and interpret the solution to determine how many tiles
    are needed. (MP 4)


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