Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
You can use the property for multiplying powers with the same base to multiply two
numbers written in scientific notation.

How do you find
t he num ber of
m olecules?
Use u n i t an al ysi s. Di vi d e
out the common units.

Pro b lem 3 Multiplying With Scientific Notation ^ 22)

Ch em i st r y At 20°C, one cubic meter of water has a mass
of about 9.98 x 10 5 g. Each gram of water contains
about 3.34 x 10 22 molecules of water. About how
many molecules of water does the droplet of
water shown below contain?

molecules of water = cubientetCTs cubie-iSTeters grams grams molecules Use uni t an al ysi s.

= (1.13 X 10 7) • (9.98X 10s) • (3.34X 1022) Su b st i t u t e.
Co m m u t at i ve an d
= (1.13 • 9.98 • 3.34) X (l0~7 • 10s • 1022)

37.7 X 10-^74 .54-22
= 37.7 X 10 ,20
= 3.77 X 1021
The droplet contains about 3.77 X 1021 molecules of water.

associat ive properties
of multiplication
Multiply. Add exponents.
Si m p l i f y.
Write in scientific notation.

Go t It? 3. About how many molecules of water are in a swimming pool that holds
200 m 3 of water? Write your answer in scientific notation.

Recall that you can use powers of 10 to make writing very large and very small numbers
more convenient. In scientific notation, you can write any number as a X 10b, where
1 < \a\ < 10. For example, 256,000 is written in scientific notation as 2.56 X 105.

Exponents can also be expressed as fractions. Fractional exponents are called rational
Recall that 32 means 3 • 3, which equals 9. You can write the same expression using
rational exponents: 9^. The equation 9 2 = b indicates that b is the positive number that
when multiplied by itself, equals 9.
9^ = 3 since 3*3 = 9.
In general, ak=b means that b multiplied as a factor m times equals a.


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Lesso n 7-2 Multiplying Powers With the Same Base^427
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