Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Thin k
Why must like
variables be grouped
To s i m p l i f y b y a d d i n g
exponent s, t he bases
must be the same.

Pr o b lem 6 Si m p l i f y i n g Ex p r e ssi o n s W i t h Ra t i o n a l Ex p o n e n t s

Simplify the expression (2d • 3b* j ^ cC' • 5 b*).

= (2 • 3 • 5)( a? •. ^2 j Co m m u t at i ve an d asso ci at i v e p r o p er t i es o f m u l t i p l i cat i o n

= 3o(ai •. bkj Simplify.

= 30^ aij|h?J Add exponents that have the same base.
= 30 ab* Simplify.

Go t It? 6. Simplify each expression.
„ 3 1
a. 2 cs • 2 c=
c. • c^ j

b. m m
d. 13i/ i • 7m*) (376 • Trn^j




Lesso n Ch eck
you know HOW?
What is 84 • 88 written using each base only once?
2 3
What is the simplified form of 2m • 3ml
What is (3 X 105)(8 X 104) written in
scientific notation?

  1. Measurement The diameter of a penny is about
    1.9 X 10 “5 km. It would take about 2.1 X 109 pennies
    placed end to end to circle the equator once. What is
    the approximate length of the equator?

_.............. MATHEMAtlCAL

  1. Writ ing Can x 8 • y 3 be written as a single power?
    Explain your reasoning.

  2. Reaso n i n g Suppose a X 10m and b X 10" are two
    numbers in scientific notation. Is their product
    ab X 10m+" always, sometimes, or never a number in
    scientific notation? Justify your answer.

  3. Error Analysis Your friend says 4cb • 3m = let.
    Explain your friend's error. What is the correct answer?

Pr act i ce an d Pr o b l em - So l v i n g Ex er ci ses

Pr act i ce Rewrite each expression using each base only once.


8. 7 3 • 7 4
11. 22 • 27 • 2 °

Simplify each expression.

  1. m 3 m 4

  2. (x 5 y 2 )(x- 6 y)
    9. ( -6)12 • (—6)5 • (—6)2

  3. 5-2 • 5- 4 • 58

  4. 5c4 • c 6

  5. (5x5)(3y6)(3 x2)

Write each answer in scientific notation.

  1. Biology A human body contains about 2.7 X 104 microliters (//.L) of blood for each
    pound of body weight. Each microliter of blood contains about 7 X 104 white blood
    cells. About how many white blood cells are in the body of a 140-lb person?

Se e Pr o b l e m 1.

  1. 9 6 • 9-4 • 9~2

  2. ( —8)5 • (—8)“5
    Se e Pr o b l e m 2.

  3. 4 r 5 • 2 r 3

  4. -m 2 • 4r 3 • 12r-4 • 5m
    4 ^ See Problem 3.


Po w erAlg eb Lesso n 7-2 Multiplying Powers With the Same Base^429
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