Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

7-3 M ore Mult iplicat ion Propert ies of Exponent s

Quick Review
To raise a pow er to a power, m ultiply the exponents.
(am)n = a mn, w here a + 0 and m and n are real
To raise a p ro d u ct to a power, raise each factor in the
p roduct to the power.
{ab)n = anbn, w here a ¥= 0, b # 0, and n are real

Complete each equation.

  1. (55) = 515 31. (b~4) = b20

  2. (4x3y 5) = 16x6y 10 33. (xi) = x 2

  3. (a%) = a ' 35. (2x2y 4) = 4x4y 2
    Simplify each expression.

  4. (<73 r ) 4 37. (1.342)5(1.34)-8

What is the simplified form of each expression?
a. (x5)7 = x 5‘7 = x 35 b. (pg)8 = psqs

c. (xs)3 = X3*3 = X3 = x d. iKa b ) ^ = cblfi

  1. (12x2y-2 )5(4xy~3)-7 39. ( —2 r_4)2( —3 r2z8)-1

  2. (x^)7 41.


7-4 Division Propert ies of Exponent s

Quick Review
To divide powers w ith th e sam e base, subtract the
am_ _ _ am nt w here a =£ 0 and m and n are integers

To raise a q uotient to a power, raise th e n u m era to r a n d the
d enom inator to th e power.
( f ) ” = f " ’ w^ ere « ^ 0, h # 0, an d n is an integer
V..... *4

Simplify each expression.

    1. w5 3 x 1
      «• (f 4, (*?)-

Simplify each quotient. Write your answer in
scientific notation.

What is the simplified form of | j?

( 5x4 (5*4)3 53x4' 3 125 x 12
I z2 J (z2)3 ~ z2'3 z6

  1. 4-2 x 10 4 7. 31 X lp4„
    2.1 X 1011 1.24 X 102
    48.4-5X1? 9 X 107 49.51X1°!1.7 X 102

  2. W riting List th e steps th a t you w ould use to
    simplify ( ) 3.

476 Ch ap t er 7 Ch ap t er Revi ew

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