Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Name Sa m p l i n g M e t h o d Ex a m p l e

Random Survey a population at random. Survey people whose names are
drawn out of a hat.

Systematic Select a number n at random. Then
survey every nth person.

Select the number 5 at random.
Survey every fifth person.



Separate a population into smaller
groups, each with a certain
characteristic. Then survey at random
within each group.

Separate a high school into four
groups by grade level. Survey a
random sample of students from
each grade.

. - ... _

Pr o b l em 3

What p opulat ion
are you t rying t o
represent with this
sam p l e?
You w ant to collect
information about the
students a t your school.

Ch o o sin g a Sam p le

DVD Ren t al s You want to find out how many DVDs students at your school rent in a
month. You interview every tenth teenager you see at a mall. What sampling method
are you using? Is this a good sample?
Since you are interviewing every tenth teenager, this method is systematic. This is not a
good sample because it will likely include teenagers who do not attend your school.

Go t I t? 3. You revise your plan and interview all students leaving a school
assembly who are wearing the school colors. Will this plan give a
good sample? Explain.

A survey question has b i as when it contains assumptions that may or may not be true.
Bias can influence opinion and can make one answer seem better than another. Survey
questions must be carefully worded to avoid bias.

Pr o b l em 4 Determ ining Bias in a Survey Question

Movies A reporter wants to find out what kinds of movies are most popular with
local residents. The reporter asks, "Do you prefer exciting action movies or boring
documentaries?” Is the question biased? Explain.

The survey question To determine Check the question for adjectives
w hether the question or phrases th a t make one category
is biased seem more appealing.

The question is biased because the words exciting and boring make action films sound
more interesting than documentaries.

Go t It? 4. Reasoning How can the question in Problem 4 be reworded so that
it is not biased?


Po w erAlg eb Lesso n 12-5 Sam p les an d Surveys 755
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