Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Are the data numerical
Movie titles and jersey
numbers are not numerical
measurements, but a
number of students is.

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Is each data set qualitative or quantitative?

Q favorite movies
The data are not numerical quantities. These are qualitative data.
0 numbers of students in different schools who take Spanish
The data are numerical quantities. These are quantitative data.
0 football jersey numbers
The data are numerical but not measurements. They are qualitative data.

vj Got It? 1. Is each data set qualitative or quantitative? Explain.
a. costs of CDs b. eye colors

Does the data set
involve one or tw o
One variable means the
data set is univariate.
Two variables means the
data set is bivariate.

The kind of data you are working with determines the type of graph you use to display
the data. A set of data that uses only one variable is univariate. A set of data that uses
two variables is bivariate.

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Is each data set univariate or bivariate?

Q the atomic weights of the elements in the periodic table
There is only one variable, atomic weight. The data set is univariate.
0 the edge lengths and volumes of cubes
There are two variables, edge length and volume. The data set is bivariate.

Go t It? 2. Is each data set univariate or bivariatel Explain.
a. heights and weights of mammals
b. the cost of Internet service from several different providers

Statisticians collect information about specific groups of objects
or people. The entire group that you want information about is
called a population. When a population is too large to survey,
statisticians survey a part of it to find characteristics of the whole.
The part that is surveyed is called a sam p l e.
Three sampling methods are shown on the next page. When designing
a survey, you should choose a sample that reflects the population.

754 Ch ap t e r 12 Data Analysis and Probability
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