Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Ch ap t er Rev i ew

Connecting B IG ideas and Answering the Essential Questions
l.D at a Collection and
When you collect data,
you should use a sam pling
technique free o f bias. You
can use standard measures
to describe data sets and
make estimates, decisions,
or predictions.

Data Analysis (Lessons 12-3 and 12-4)
11 12 14 16 11 10 13 7
Mean: 11.75 Median: 11.5
Mode: 11 Range: 9

Samples and Surveys
(Lesson 12-5)
Data Types: q u a lita tiv e , q u a n tita tiv e ,
univariate, bivariate
Sample Types: random , system atic, stra tifie d

  1. D a t a Re p r e se n t at i o n
    You can use m atrices,
    frequency tables, histograms,
    box-and-whisker plots,
    tree diagrams, and other
    representations to describe
    d iffe re n t types o f data sets.

  2. Pr o b a b i l i t y
    You can find theoretical and
    experimental probabilities to
    make decisions or predictions
    about future events.

Data Displays
(Lessons 1 2 -1 ,1 2 -2 ,1 2 -4 , and 12-6)
l— I— I— I— I— I— I— I— l - * -

Theoretical and Experimental
Probability (Lesson 12-7)
Theoretical:number of favorable outcomes

number of possible outcomes
num ber o f times event occurs
num ber o f tim es experim ent is done

Probability of Compound
Events (Lesson 12-8)
P(A and B) = P(A) • P{B)
P{A then B) = P(A) • P(B after A)

Chapter Vocabulary

  • bias (p. 755)
    bivariate (p. 754)
    box-and-whisker plot
    (p. 7 4 7 )
    com bination (p. 765)
    com plem ent of an event
    (p. 770)
    com pound event (p. 776)

dependent events (p. 778)
elem ent (p. 726)
freq u en cy (p. 732)
histogram (p. 733)
in d e p e n d e n t events
(p. 7 77)
in te rq u a rtile ran g e (p. 746)
matrix (p. 726)

measure of central
ten d en cy (p. 738)
outcom e (p. 769)
outlier (p. 738)
overlapping events (p. 776)
percentile (p. 749)
perm utation (p. 763)
population (p. 754)

Choose the correct term to com plete each sentence.

  1. Each num erical item of d ata in a m atrix is called a(n)?.

  2. The n u m b er of d ata values in an interval is the? of the interval.

  3. A(n) ? is a d ata value m u ch greater or less th a n th e o th er values in a d ata set.

  4. The m edian of th e lower half of an o rdered d ata set is th e first?.

1 probability (p. 769)
1 qualitative (p. 753)
1 quantitative (p. 753)
quartile (p. 746)
ra n g e o f a set o f d a ta (p. 7 4 0 )
sam ple (p. 754)
scalar m ultiplication (p. 727)
univariate (p. 754)

786 Ch ap t er 12 Ch ap t er Revi ew

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