Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
English Spanish

Multiplicative inverse (p. 40) Given a nonzero rational
number |, the multiplicative inverse, or reciprocal, is The
product of a nonzero number and its multiplicative inverse
is 1.

In verso m ultiplicative) (p. 4 0 ) Dado un numero rational
distinto de cero, el inverso multiplicativo, o recfproco,
producto de un numero distinto de cero y su inverso
multiplicativo es 1.

es f. El

Example 3 is the multiplicative inverse of |
because | x | = 1.

Mutually exclusive events (p. 776) When two events
cannot happen at the same time, the events are mutually
exclusive. If A and B are mutually exclusive events, then
P(A or B) = P(A)+P(B).

Sucesos m u tu am en te excluyentes (p. 776) Cuando dos
sucesos no pueden ocurrir al mismo tiempo, son
mutuamente excluyentes. Si A y B son sucesos mutuamente
excluyentes, entonces P(A 0 B) = P(A) + P(B).
Example Rolling an even number E and
rolling a multiple of five M on a
standard number cube are
mutually exclusive events.
P(E or M) = P{E) + P{M)
= * + 1 6 6
_ 2

Natural numbers (p. 18) The counting numbers. Numeros naturales (p. 18)
para contar.

Los numeros que se emplean

Example 1, 2, 3,

Negative correlation (p. 336) The relationship between
two sets of data, in which one set of data decreases as the
other set of data increases.


Correlation negativa (p. 336) Relacion entre dos
conjuntos de datos en la que uno de los conjuntos disminuye
a medida que el otro aumenta.

Negative square root (p. 39) A number of the form - Vb,
which is the negative square root of b.

Raiz cuadrada negativa (p. 39) -Vb es la ralz cuadrada
negativa de b.
Example -7 is the negative square root of

n factorial (p. 764) The product of the integers from n
down to 1, for any positive integer n. You write n factorial as
nl. The value of 0! is defined to be 1.

n factorial (p. 764) Producto de todos los enteros desde n
hasta 1, de cualquier entero positivo n. El factorial de n se
escribe nl. El valor de 0! se define como 1.
Example 4 1 = 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 24

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