Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
No correlation (p. 336) There does not appear to be a
relationship between two sets of data.

Sin correlacion (p. 336) No hay relacion entre dos
conjuntos de datos.

Nonlinear function (p. 246) A function whose graph is
not a line or part of a line.

Funcion no lineal (p. 246) Funcion cuya grafica no es una
linea o parte de una linea.


Normal distribution (p. 783) A normal distribution shows
data that vary randomly from the mean in the pattern of a
bell-shaped curve.

Distribucion normal (p. 783) Una distribucion normal
muestra, con una curva en forma de campana, datos que
varian alcatoriamento respecto de la media.

Example Distribution of Test Scores


In a class of 200 students, the scores
on a test were normally distributed.
The mean score was 66.5 and the
standard deviation was 6.5. The
number of students who scored greater
than 73 percent was about 13.5% + 2.5% of
those who took the test.
16% of 200 = 32
About 32 students scored 73 or higher
on the test.

Conjunto vacio (p. 195) Conjunto que no tiene

Expresion num erica (p. 4) Frase matematica que contiene
numeros y operaciones con simbolos, pero no variables.


Null set (p, 195) A set that has no elements.

Example {}or0

Numerical expression (p. 4) A mathematical phrase
involving numbers and operation symbols, but no variables.
Example 2 + 4


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