Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
English Spanish

Perfect squares (p. 17)
are integers.

Numbers whose square roots Cuadrado perfecto (p. 17)
un numero entero.

Numero cuya raiz cuadrada es

Example The numbers 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 3 6 ,..
are perfect squares because they
are the squares of integers.

Perfect square trinom ial (p. 523) Any trinomial of the
form a 2 + 2 ab + b2 or a 2 - lab + b2.

Trinomio cuadrado perfecto (p. 523) Todo trinomio de la
forma a 2 + lab + b2 o a 2 - lab + b2.
Example (x+3)2 =x 2 + 6 x + 9

Permutation (p. 763) An arrangement of some or all of a
set of objects in a specific order. You can use the notation nPr
to express the number of permutations, where n equals the
number of objects available and r equals the number of
selections to make.

Permutacion (p. 763) Disposicion de algunos o de todos
los objetos de un conjunto en un orden determinado. El
numero de permutaciones se puede expresar con la
notacion nPr, donde n es igual al numero total de objetos y r
es igual al numero de selecciones que han de hacerse.
Example How many ways can you arrange
5 objects 3 at a time?
n 5! 5! 5* 4* 3* 2* 1
5P3 ~ :(5 - 3 )! 2! 2 • 1 = 60
There are 60 ways to arrange
5 objects 3 at a time.

Perpendicular lines (p. 331) Lines that intersect to form
right angles. Two lines are perpendicular if the product of
their slopes is - 1.

Rectas perpendiculares (p. 331) Rectas que forman
Angulos rectos en su interseccibn. Dos rectas son
perpendiculares si el producto de sus pendientes es - 1.

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Piecewise function (p. 348) A piecewise function has
different rules for different parts of its domain.

Point-slope form (p. 315) A linear equation of a
nonvertical line written as y~y-\ = m {x -x-j). The line
passes through the point (x1f y^) with slope m.

Funcion de fragm entos (p. 348) Una funcion de
fragmentos tiene reglas diferentes para diferentes partes de
su dominio.

Forma punto-pendiente (p. 315) La ecuacion lineal de
una recta no vertical que pasa por el punto (x1; y{) con
pendiente m esta dada por y-y-\ = m (x-x)).
Example An equation with a slope of —j
passing through ( 2 , - 1 ) would be
written y +^1 = - j(x-
point-slope form.

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