Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
English Spanish

Polynomial (p. 487) A monomial or the sum or difference Polinomio (p. 487) Un monomio o la suma o diferencia de
of two or more monomials. A quotient with a variable in the dos o mas monomios. Un cociente con una variable en el
denominator is not a polynomial. denominador no es un polinomio.

Example 2x2, 3x + 7, 28, and
-7x 3 - 2x 2 + 9 are all

Population (p. 754) The entire group that you are Poblacion (p. 754) El grupo entero del cual juntas
collecting information about. information.

Positive correlation (p. 336) The relationship between Correlacion positiva (p. 336) La relacion entre dos
two sets of data in which both sets of data increase together. conjuntos de datos en la que ambos conjuntos incrementan
a la vez.

Power (p. 10) The base and the exponent of an expression Potencia (p. 10) La base y el exponente de una expresion
of the form an. de la forma an.

Principal square root (p. 16) A number of the form Vb. Raiz cuadrada principal (p. 16) La expresion Vb se llama
The expression Vb is called the principal (or positive) square rafz cuadrada principal (o positiva) de b.
root of b.

Example 5 is the principal square
root of V25.

Probability (p. 769) How likely it is that an event will occur Probabilidad (p. 769) La posibilidad de que un suceso
(written formally as P(event)). ocurra, escrita formalmente P(suceso).

Example You have 4 red marbles and
3 white marbles. The probability
that you select one red marble,
and then, without replacing it,
randomly select another red
marble is P(red) = y • | = j.

Properties of equality (p. 81) For all real numbers a, b,
and c:
Addition: If a = b, then a + c = b + c.
Subtraction: If a = b, then a - c = b - c.
Multiplication: If a = b, then a • c=b • c.
Division: If a = b, and c# 0, then § =

Propiedades de la igualdad (p. 81) Para todos los
numeros reales a, by c:
Suma: Si a = b, entonces a + c = b + c.
Resta: Si a = b, entonces a - c = b - c.
Multiplication: Si a = b, entonces a • c = b • c.
Division: Si a = b, y c + 0, entonces § = (f.

c Glossary^847

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