English Spanish
Scalar m ultiplication (p, 727) Scalar multiplication is an
operation that multiplies a matrix A by a scalar c. To find the
resulting matrix cA, multiply each element of A by c.
Example 2.5
Multiplicacion escalar (p. 727) La multiplicacion escalar es
la que multiplica una matriz A por un numero escalar c. Para
hallar la matriz resultante cA, multiplica cada elemento de
A por c.
1 o' 2.5(1)2.5(0)"
2 3_ _2.5(—2) 2 .5(3)_
Scale (p. 132) The ratio of any length in a scale drawing
to the corresponding actual length. The lengths may be in
different units.
Escala (p. 132) Razon de cualquier longitud de un dibujo a
escala a la longitud real correspondiente. Las longitudes
pueden tener diferentes unidades.
Example For a drawing in which a
2-in. length represents an actual
length of 18 ft, the scale is
1 in. : 9 f t.
Scale draw ing (p. 132) An enlarged or reduced drawing
similar to an actual object or place.
Dibujo a escala (p. 132) Dibujo que muestra de mayor o
menor tamano un objeto o lugar dado.
Scale m odel (p. 132) A three-dimensional model that is
similar to a three-dimensional object.
Modelo de escala (p. 132) Modelo tridimensional que es
similar a un objeto tridimensional.
Example A ship in a bottle is a scale model
of a real ship.
Po w er A lg eb r a.co m Glossary 853