Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
598, 599, 615, 616, 620, 621, 622,
626, 627, 628, 629, 633, 634, 635,
636, 640, 641, 646, 647, 648, 664,
665, 666 , 670, 671, 672, 673, 678,
679, 680, 684, 685, 686 , 687, 692,
693, 694, 699, 700, 701, 702, 705,
706, 708, 727, 728, 732, 733, 734,
739, 740, 741, 747, 748, 749, 754,
755, 756, 763, 764, 765, 770, 771,
772, 777, 778, 779, 780

government, 175

of absolute value equations, 207-208
of absolute value functions, 346
of absolute value inequalities,
analyzing, 234-235
bar, 810
of boundary lines of linear inequalities,
box-and-whisker plot, 748
circle, 812
of compound inequalities, 200-203
continuous, 255-256, 285
on the coordinate plane, 60
describing relationships using, 61-63
of direct variation, 302-303
discrete, 255-256, 285
of equations, 316
estimating values in a function using,
of exponential functions, 455, 460,
462, 477
finding slope using, 295
of function rules, 253-256
of geometric relationships, 241
histograms, 733-734
of horizontal lines, 323, 641
of horizontal translations, 348
of inequalities, 165-167, 172-173,
178-179, 181, 200-203, 395-396,
of inverse variation, 699-700
line, 811
of linear equations, 242, 246-247,
308, 310-311
of linear inequalities, 395-397, 406
line plots, 809
matching with data table, 235-236
of nonlinear function rules, 256
of nonlinear functions, 246-247
of patterns, 63, 248
quadratic, 546-549, 553-554, 561,
562, 585, 589, 590, 596
of a quadratic function, 554
of rational functions, 705-709, 713
of real numbers, 19
scatter plot, 336-338
shifts of. See translations
sketching, 236
of solutions of equations, 62

of solutions of systems of linear
equations, 364-365, 366, 387
solving an equation by making a table,
of square root functions, 639-640
stem-and-leaf plots, 813
of systems of linear equations,
of systems of linear inequalities,
400-401, 402
using point-slope form, 316
using slope-intercept form, 308-311
using to relate variables, 234
of vertical lines, 323
of vertical translations, 347, 641
writing equations from, 309
writing linear inequalities from, 397
writing linear inequalities to, 396
writing systems of linear inequalities
from, 401
graphing calculator, 59, 260-261, 307,
319, 327, 339, 341, 342, 370, 406,
456, 457, 458, 465, 548, 551, 555,
556, 559, 560, 595, 600, 696, 706,
707, 711. See also calculator
alpha key, 406
apps key, 406
calc key, 261, 339, 370, 456, 555,
567, 595, 598
correlation coefficient from, 339
DEPEND feature, 567
equation of line of best fit using, 342
EXPREG feature, 595
finding line of best fit using, 339
finding permutations, 764
graph key, 260, 406, 598
histograms, 733
INDPNT feature, 567
INEQUAL feature, 406
of inequalities, 209-210
INTERSECT feature, 598
LINREG feature, 339
math key, 764, 775
MAXIMUM feature, 555
mode key, 713
QUADREG feature, 595
RANDINT feature, 775
rational functions, 706
solving system of equations using,
stat key, 339, 595
table key, 370, 567, 708, 713
tblset key, 370, 567
trace key, 708, 713
window key, 59, 260
x,t,0,n key, 59
Y= key, 59, 260, 370, 598
zoom key, 261, 307, 595
Graphing Functions and Solving
Equations, 260-261
Graphing Linear Inequalities, 406

graph key, of graphing calculator, 260,
406, 598
graph paper, 60
greater than, 19. See also inequality(ies)
greater than or equal to, 19. See also
greatest common factor (GCF), 493
Gridded Response
exercises, 76, 93, 114, 160, 192, 213,
230, 259, 273, 290, 306, 350, 360,
377, 384, 414, 423, 466, 482, 496,
522, 542, 572, 581, 610, 618, 644,
660, 689, 704, 722, 751, 768
problems, 83, 264, 296, 374, 414,
454, 507, 563, 646, 699, 779
grouping symbols. See also individual
evaluating expressions with, 12
fraction bar, 11
parentheses, 11
simplifying, 11
solving equations with, 104
growth, exponential, 460, 461, 478
growth factor, 460, 478
guess and check, 188, 324

half-plane, 395
Here's Why It Works
deriving the quadratic formula
by completing the square for
ax2 + bx + c = 0, 583
equivalency of dividing by a fraction
and multiplying by the fraction's
reciprocal, 41
reversing the inequality symbol when
multiplying or dividing an inequality
by a negative number, 179
using repeated multiplication to
rewrite a product of powers, 425
using the definition of slope to derive
point-slope form, given a point on a
line and the line's slope, 316
using the Multiplication Property of
Equality to prove the Cross Products
Property, 125
defined, 733, 787
describing, 733
interpreting, 734
making, 733
skewed, 733
symmetric, 733
uniform, 733
history, 43, 617, 630
of math, 266
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