Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
horizontal asymptote, 707
horizontal lines, 296, 323, 331, 395
horizontal translations, 348
defined, 614
finding length of, 615
hypothesis, 615

identity, 104, 154
Identity Property
of Addition, 24
of Multiplication, 24, 25
if-th en statement, 615
inclusive, 200
inconsistent systems of linear
equations, 365-366
increase, percent, 145
independent events, 777-778, 790
independent systems of linear
equations, 365-366
independent variables, 240, 241, 249,
255, 294, 454
index of radical expression, 448
indirect measurement, 131
INDPNT feature, of graphing
calculator, 567
inductive reasoning, 63
INEQUAL feature, of graphing
calculator, 406
inequality(ies). See also solving inequalities
absolute value, 209-210
comparing real numbers using, 19
compound, 200-204, 217-218
defined, 19, 164
equivalent, 171
graphing, 167
graphs of, 165, 166, 172-173, 179,
181, 200-204, 209-210, 400
linear. See linear inequalities
multiple ways of representing, 167
multi-step, 185, 186-189
solution as union or intersection of
sets, 218
solving using Addition Property of
Inequality, 171, 172
solving using Division Property of
Inequality, 180-181
solving using Multiplication Property of
Inequality, 178-179
solving using Subtraction Property of
Inequality, 173
with special solutions, 189
symbols for, 19, 166, 173
Triangle Inequality Theorem, 205

with variables on both sides, 188
writing, 164, 187, 201-203, 218
writing from a graph, 166
inequality, properties of. See
input, 240
input value, 284
square of, 17
in standard form, 324
as subset of rational numbers, 18
intercepts. See x-intercept; y-intercept
archaeology, 451
art, 143, 376, 495, 532, 539, 579,
astronomy, 156, 430, 443, 445, 446,
biology, 17, 84, 111, 128, 191, 212,
338, 365, 390, 429, 450, 477, 628,
chemistry, 35, 123, 205, 206, 391,
411, 427, 430, 630, 697
earth science, 93
economics, 142, 461
geography, 142, 438
geometry, 14, 15, 21, 51, 92, 99, 107,
113, 115, 143, 149, 150, 176, 187,
190, 192, 258, 264, 279, 304, 319,
327, 335, 375, 376, 383, 393, 404,
437, 444, 446, 490, 496, 502, 507,
510, 514, 519, 531, 533, 537, 538,
539, 565, 566, 571, 581, 600, 604,
607, 618, 625, 631, 636, 637, 654,
655, 657, 667, 676, 682, 690, 716,
719, 774
government, 175
history, 43, 617, 630
language, 86
music, 71, 85, 126, 127, 478, 736,
761, 764
physics, 169, 205, 271, 306, 311, 444,
463, 551, 565, 618, 642, 682, 699,
704, 711, 718
reading, 56, 269, 766
science, 113, 133, 470, 471
statistics, 128
U.S. history, 86
compound, 139, 461, 462
simple, 139, 140
interpolation, 337, 356
interquartile range, 746
INTERSECT feature, of graphing
calculator, 261, 370, 456, 598
defined, 215, 226
point, of system of linear equations,

symbol for, 215
interval notation, 203
additive, 32
multiplicative, 40
of a relation, 273
of linear functions, 329
inverse function, 329
Inverse of a Linear Function, 329
inverse operations, 82, 153
Inverse Property
of Addition, 32
of Multiplication, 40-41
inverse variation
comparing with direct variation,
700-701, 703
constant of variation for, 698
defined, 698, 718
equation, 698
graphing, 699-700
identifying, 701
using in real-world problems, 699
Investigating y = mx + b, 307
irrational numbers, 18
isolate, 82

Key Concepts
Adding Real Numbers, 31
Addition Property of Inequality, 171
Combination Notation, 765
Continuous and Discrete Graphs, 255
Dividing Real Numbers, 40
Division Property of Inequality, 180
Equivalence of Radicals and Rational
Exponents, 449
Exponential Decay, 462, 478
Exponential Function, 453
Exponential Growth, 460, 478
Factoring a Difference of Two Squares,
Factoring Perfect-Square Trinomials,
Geometric Sequence, 467
Graph of a Quadratic Function, 554
Inverse Variation, 698
Mean, Median, and Mode, 738
Multiplication Counting Principle, 763
Multiplication Property of Inequality,
Multiplying Real Numbers, 39
Order of Operations, 11
Percent Change, 144
The Percent Equation, 138
The Percent Proportion, 137
Permutation Notation, 764
Point-Slope Form of a Linear Equation,

c Index

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