Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


quadrants, 60
quadratic equations
choosing method for solving, 585,
choosing reasonable solution, 563
defined, 561
graphs of, 573-574, 596
modeling, 576
roots of, 561, 562, 567, 573-574
solving by completing the square,
solving by factoring, 568-569
solving by graphing, 562
solving using square roots, 562-563
standard form of, 561, 569, 573-574
systems of, 596-598
Quadratic Formula, 582, 583, 605
quadratic functions
choosing, 591
defined, 546, 604
graphs of, 546-549, 553-554, 561-
562, 573-574, 585, 589, 590
parent function, 546
standard form of, 546, 573-574
zero of, 561, 568, 573-574
quadratic graphs, 546-549, 553-554,
561-562, 573-574, 585, 589, 590,
quadratic inequalities, 553
quadratic models, 589-591
quadratic parent function, 546
qualitative, 753
quantitative, 753
quantity, 4
quartile, 746
Quick Review, 69-72, 153-156, 223-
226, 284-286, 354-356, 409-410,
475-478, 536-538, 604-606, 654-
656, 716-718, 788-790
involving fractions, 804
radical expressions involving,
raising to a power, 441
sign of, 40

radical equations
defined, 655
solving, 633-634
using, 634
radical expressions
defined, 619, 654
multiplying, 627

simplifying by dividing, 621-622
simplifying by multiplying, 619, 620
defined, 16, 477
isolating, 633
simplifying, 619-622
radicand, 16
of circle, 625
of cylinder, 637, 655
Raising a Power to a Power, 433
Raising a Product to a Power, 435
Raising a Quotient to a Power, 441
RANDINT feature, of graphing
calculator, 775
random sample, 755
of a data set, 740-741, 788
defined, 268, 286
of function, 268-269, 270-271, 455,
identifying, 268-269
reasonable, 270, 455
rate(s). See also distance-rate-time
of change, 182, 212, 294-297, 354
comparing, 116
converting, 117-118, 122-123
defined, 116, 155
ratios and, 116-118
unit, 116
Rates of Increase, 559-560
rational equation(s)
defined, 691, 717
solving, 691-694
rational exponents and radicals, 448
defined, 448, 477
solving, 477
rational expression(s)
adding, 684, 685
defined, 664, 716
dividing, 670, 672
with like denominators, 684
multiplying, 670-671
simplifying, 664-665
subtracting, 685-686
with unlike denominators,
using, 666
rational function(s)
defined, 705, 718
excluded values in, 705
graphing, 705-709, 713
rationalize a denominator
defined, 622
using conjugates, 628

rational numbers
adding, 30-31, 33
defined, 18
dividing, 40
multiplying, 38-39
subsets of, 18
subtracting, 30, 32-33
common, 467-468
converting, 116-118
defined, 116
rates and, 116-120
reading, 56, 766
interdisciplinary, 269, 274
Reading Math Symbols (Table 2), 815
real numbers
adding, 30-31, 32, 33
classifying, 18
comparing, 19
defined, 18
dividing, 40
graphing, 19
multiplying, 38-39
ordering, 19
properties of, 23-24
subtracting, 30, 32-33
Reasoning, 752. See also deductive
reasoning; inductive reasoning
(ercises, 5,7, 9,11, 12, 14, 15,19,
20 , 21 , 22 , 26 28, 29, 32, 35 36,
41, 42, 43, 44 45, 49, 51, 58 62,
64, 66 , 69, 71 73, 82, 84, 85 90,
91, 92, 96, 97 103, 108, 110 115
118 119, 120 121, 125, 127 132
133 135, 138 141, 148, 150 153
157 165, 167 170, 174, 176 177
180 183, 188 189, 191, 193 195
197 199, 201 202, 204, 205 210
212 215, 219 220, 236, 237 238
239 241, 242 243, 244, 247 254
259 261, 263 264, 266, 271 272
273 276, 277 278, 279, 287 295
299 300, 303 304, 305, 307 309
311 313, 317 318, 319, 321 325
327 329, 334 335, 337, 338 340
342 343,344 347, 350,351 357
366 367,368 369, 373, 377 381
383 384,390 391, 393, 394 397
399 401, 402409, 411, 420 422
426 429, 430 434, 437,438 441
442 444, 445446, 455, 458 463
465 475, 479 487, 491,493 494
496 501, 502 506, 507,508 509
510 511, 515 516, 520, 522 525
526 528, 529 531, 532, 536 537
538 539, 548 549, 551,552 554
556 557, 563 564, 565,569 570

(^571) 574, 575 580, 581,586 588
592 593, 594 599, 607,616 618
621 624, 627 630, 632, 636 638

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