Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

76 Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide 4B | The Dog in the Manger

column “Things that Animals Really Do.” Label the right-hand column
“Things that Animals Really Can’t Do.” (Note: The right-hand column
will list examples of personifcation.)
Note: Explain to students that you are going to talk about the fable
and that you are going to write down what they say, but that they are
not expected to be able to read what you write because they are still
learning all the rules for decoding. Emphasize that you are writing
what they say so that you don’t forget, and tell them that you will read
the words to them.

  • Ask students to point out on Response Card 4 the animal that acts
    like a person. (The ox acts like a person.)

  • Tell students that they have already learned several words to use
    when talking about fables and stories—characters, setting, and plot.
    Now they are going to learn a special word for animals acting like
    people: personification.

    • Have students echo the word personification three times.

  • Mention that this word starts with the word person. Personification
    means acting like a person.

  • Have students tell their partner how the oxen act like real oxen in the
    story. Write accurate responses on the middle column. (The oxen pull
    the plow and eat hay.)

  • Have students tell their partner how the oxen act like people. Write
    accurate responses on the right column. (The oxen talk and are

  • Ask students: “What is the word for animals acting like people?”

  • Tell students that they will continue to fill in this personification chart
    as they meet other animals in the stories that act like people.

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