Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide 7A | The Little Half-Chick (Medio Pollito) 125

Which character acts like a person? How the animals act like people?

  • The chickens act like people because the chickens talk.
    [You may wish to continue filling out the personification chart.]


Things that
Animals Really Do

Things that Animals Really
Can’t Do (Personification)
oxen Pull the plow
Eat hay

Talk in a polite manner, saying
“excuse me” and “please”
wolf Prowls
Wants to eat sheep

Dresses in disguise to trick
fox Eats grapes
Lunges and jumps

Ta lks

chickens Live in broods Talk

  1. Inferential What are the settings for this story—where does this story
    take place?

    • The settings for this story are in Spain, on a farm, by a stream, next to a
      campfire, by a tree, in a kitchen, and on top of a cupula.

  2. Literal What three things does Medio Pollito meet on his way to
    Madrid? What do they ask him to do?

    • Medio Pollito meets a stream (or water), a fire, and the wind on his way
      to Madrid. They ask him to help them.

  3. Inferential Why doesn’t Medio Pollito help them?

    • Medio Pollito does not help them because he thinks helping them will be
      a waste of time; he is in a rush to go to Madrid to dine with the king.

  4. Literal What happens to Medio Pollito when he reaches the palace?

    • The cook throws him into a pot of boiling water to cook for the king.

  5. Literal Who does Medio Pollito ask for help? What does he ask each
    of them to do?

    • Medio Pollito asks the water not to soak him. He asks the fire not to cook
      him. He asks the wind not to push him around and to set him down.

  6. Inferential Do any of them help Medio Pollito? Why not?

    • None of them help Medio Pollito because Medio Pollito did not help

  7. Literal What does Medio Pollito become at the end of the story?
    [Have students point this out on Response Card 7.]

    • Medio Pollito becomes a weather vane.

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