Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide 7B | The Little Half-Chick (Medio Pollito) 127

Extensions 20 minutes

 Multiple Meaning Word Activity
Multiple Choice: Rest
Note: You may choose to have students hold up one or two fingers to
indicate which image shows the meaning being described, or have a
student walk up to the poster and point to the image being described.

  1. [Show Poster 4M (Rest).] In the read-aloud Medio Pollito said, “[After
    I am in Madrid,] perhaps I will invite the rest of you to pay me a short
    visit.” Here, rest means the people or things that are left. Which
    picture shows this?

  2. Rest also means something else. Rest means to sleep or take a
    break. Which picture shows this?

  3. Now that we have gone over two different meanings for rest, quiz your
    partner on these different meanings. Use complete sentences. For
    example, you could say, “It is important to get enough rest at night.”
    And your partner would respond, “That’s number 2.”

 Syntactic Awareness Activity
Creating Compound Sentences Using so
Note: The purpose of these syntactic activities is to help students
understand the direct connection between grammatical structures
and the meaning of text. These syntactic activities should be used in
conjunction with the complex text presented in the read-alouds. There
may be variations in the sentences created by your class. Allow for these
variations and restate students’ sentences so that they are grammatical.
If necessary, have students repeat the sentence after you.
Directions: Today we are going to make sentences using the word so.

  1. We can connect two sentences with the word so to show reason and

  2. What is special about the main character in today’s folktale? (The
    main character has only one wing, one leg, and one eye.)
    What is he called? (He is called Medio Pollito.)

TThe Little Half-Chick he Little Half-Chick

((Medio Pollito)Medio Pollito)^7 B

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