Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

182 Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide DA | Domain Assessment

Directions: Now I am going to read more sentences using other words
you have heard and practiced. If I use the word correctly in my sentence,
circle the smiling face. If I do not use the word correctly in my sentence,
circle the frowning face. I will say each sentence two times.

  1. Waste: Using only the amount you need of something is a waste.

    • frowning face

  2. Advice: People ask others for advice when they need help deciding
    what to do.

    • smiling face

  3. Disguise: People wear a disguise so that others will not know who
    they really are.

    • smiling face

  4. Greedy: A greedy person really likes to share.

    • frowning face

  5. Sour: Lemons taste sour.

    • smiling face

  6. Balanced: When you balance something on your head that means it
    keeps falling off.

    • frowning face

  7. Pretend: Some kids like to pretend to cook in the play kitchen.

    • smiling face

  8. Company: A lonely person might like someone to keep him company.

    • smiling face

  9. Quarrel: To quarrel means to fight or argue.

    • smiling face

  10. Capture: When you capture something that means you are not able
    to catch it.

    • frowning face

Part II (Instructional Master DA-2)
Directions: I will read a sentence about one of the fictional stories you
have heard. Circle the picture of the story my sentence is about. [Identify
the stories in the order they appear in the rows: “The Little Half-Chick
(Medio Pollito),” “The Crowded, Noisy House,” “The Tale of Peter Rabbit,”
and “All Stories Are Anansi’s.”]
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