Kindergarden - Kings and Queens

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

124 Kings and Queens: Supplemental Guide 6A | Cinderella

Presenting the Read-Aloud 10 minutes

 Show image 7A-1: Cinderella scrubbing floor
[You may wish to begin this story at the second sentence by adding “Once
upon a time, a little girl’s stepmother.. .]
Once upon a time, a little girl’s father married a new wife.

The little girl’s stepmother forced her to do the hardest and dirtiest
work in the house, while the stepsisters did nothing.

[Pause and ask students whether they think this situation is fair to Cinderella.]
When her work was finally done, she would sit, tired and alone, on the
hearth by the fireplace, among the ashes and cinders. And so she
came to be called “Cinderella.”

[Define cinders as small bits of burned wood or coal from the fireplace. You
may wish to show how cinders are able to make things dirty by bringing in
pieces of coal or using chalk to show how they can smear and are able to stain
clothes and skin.]
 Show image 7A-2: Cinderella listening to her stepsisters talking
Cinderella’s stepsisters had fine rooms with soft beds and thick
carpets and mirrors so large that they might see themselves at full
length from head to foot. But poor Cinderella had to sleep on the floor
next to the fire.

[Pause and ask students whether they think this situation is fair to Cinderella.]
Yet she bore it all patiently, and did not complain to her father, for his
new wife ruled him entirely.

[Explain that Cinderella’s stepmother ruled the father and he chose not to speak
up when the stepmother was treating Cinderella badly.]
One day, the king’s son, the prince, announced that he was going to
hold a ball.

[Define ball as a fancy party with dancing; this is different from the ball that
children play with.]
The stepsisters shrieked with excitement at the announcement. All
the young ladies in the kingdom were invited to the palace for a grand
evening of dancing and merriment.
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