Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 7 | Plants and People 149

Image Sequence

This is the order Flip Book images will be shown for this read-aloud.
Preview the order of Flip Book images before teaching the read-aloud.
Please note that it contains images from two separate read-alouds
and differs from the sequence used in the Tell It Again! Read-Aloud

  1. 10A-2: Fruits and vegetables collage

  2. 6A-1: Apple tree

  3. 6A-2: Sliced apple

  4. 6A-3: Cherry tree

  5. 6A-4: Cherries

  6. 6A-5: Strawberry plant

  7. 6 A - 6 : S t r a w b e r r y

  8. 6A-7: Watermelon

  9. 6A-8: Watermelon slice

  10. 10A- 3: C o r n

  11. 10A-4: Wheat and wheat products

  12. 10A - 5: R i c e

  13. 10A-14: Child and trees

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