Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 10 | The Story of Hatshepsut 175

 Prior to listening to “The Story of Hatshepsut,” identify orally
what they know and have learned about ancient Egypt and
about leaders in Mesopotamia
 Prior to listening to “The Story of Hatshepsut,” make predictions
about the way in which Hatshepsut was different from other Egyptian
leaders, and then compare the actual outcomes to predictions
 Share writing with others

Core Vocabulary

accomplishments, n. Successes or achievements, things done well
Example: Hatshepsut considered that building temples for the gods was
one of his accomplishments.
Variation(s): accomplishment
counselors, n. People who give advice
Example: The king talked to his counselors about whether or not to go
to war.
Variation(s): counselor
declare, v. To say or make known to everyone
Example: After the judges score the athletes’ performances, they
declare a winner.
Variation(s): declares, declared, declaring
pharaohs, n. Kings or rulers of ancient Egypt
Example: Most of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt were male.
Variation(s): pharaoh
tradition, n. A special belief or way of doing something that hasn’t
changed over the years
Example: Her favorite family tradition is going to the beach at the
beginning of summer vacation.
Variation(s): traditions
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