The Solar System

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. What evidence shows that Venus has been resurfaced within the last
    billion years?

  2. Why doesn’t Mars have mountain ranges like those on Earth? Why
    doesn’t Earth have large volcanoes like those on Mars?

  3. What were the canals on Mars? How do they differ from the outfl ow
    channels and valley networks on Mars?

  4. Propose an explanation for the nearly pure carbon dioxide atmospheres
    of Venus and Mars. Why is Earth’s atmosphere different?

  5. What evidence can you cite that the climate on Mars has changed?

  6. How can planetary scientists estimate the ages of the outfl ow channels
    and valley networks on Mars?

  7. Why are Phobos and Deimos nonspherical? Why is Earth’s moon much
    more spherical?

  8. How Do We Know? How are a weather radar map and an image of a
    mountain on Venus related?

Discussion Questions

  1. From what you know of Earth, Venus, and Mars, do you expect the
    volcanoes on Venus and Mars to be active or extinct? Why?

  2. If you had a time machine, plus superpowers suffi cient to modify or
    move entire planets, what would you change about Mars, as it was
    forming, to make its surface environment remain more Earth-like to the
    present day? How about Venus?

  3. Can you make a hypothesis about a single event that might explain
    both Venus’s slow rotation and its geologically recent resurfacing?

  4. If humans someday colonize Mars, the biggest problem may be fi nding
    water and oxygen. With plenty of solar energy beating down through
    the thin atmosphere, how might colonizers extract water and oxygen
    from the Martian environment?


  1. How long would it take radio signals to travel from Earth to Venus and
    back if Venus were at its nearest point to Earth? At its farthest point
    from Earth? (Hint: The speed of light is 3.00  108 meters per second.)

  2. The Pioneer Venus orbiter circled Venus with a period of 24 hours.
    What was its average distance above the surface of Venus? (Hint: See
    Chapter 5.)
    3. Calculate the velocity of Venus in its orbit around the sun. (Hint: See
    Chapter 5.)
    4. What is the maximum angular diameter of Venus as seen from Earth?
    (Hint: Use the small-angle formula, Chapter 3.)
    5. If the Magellan spacecraft transmitted radio signals down through
    the clouds on Venus and heard an echo from a certain spot 0.000133
    second before the main echo, how high is the spot above the average
    surface of Venus? (Hint: The speed of light is 3.00  108 meters per
    6. The smallest feature visible through an Earth-based telescope has an
    angular diameter of about 1 arc second. If a canal on Mars was just
    visible when Mars was at its closest to Earth, how wide was the canal?
    (Hint: Use the small-angle formula, Chapter 3.)
    7. What is the maximum angular diameter of Phobos as seen from Earth?
    What surface features should you expect to see from Earth? From
    the surface of Mars? (Hints: Use the small-angle formula, Chapter 3,
    and use information in the Appendix tables to derive the distances
    between the objects in question.)
    8. What is the maximum angular diameter of Deimos as seen from the
    surface of Mars? (Hints: Use the small-angle formula, Chapter 3,
    and use information in the Appendix tables to derive the distances
    between the objects in question.)
    9. Deimos is about 12 km in diameter and has a density of 2 g/cm^3. What
    is its mass? (Hint: The volume of a sphere is 4 __ 3 πr^3 .)

Learning to Look

  1. Volcano Sif Mons on Venus is shown
    in this radar image. What kind of
    volcano is it, and why is it orange
    in this image? What color would the
    rock be if you could see it with your
    own eyes?

  2. Olympus Mons on Mars is a very large
    volcano. In this image you can see
    multiple caldera at the top. What do
    those caldera and the immense size
    of the volcano indicate about the
    geology of Mars?


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