WileyPLUS is designed for different learning styles, different levels of proficiency, and different levels of preparation.
All students are unique, and WileyPLUS empowers them to take advantage of their individual strengths.
Students receive timely access to resources that address their demonstrated needs, and get immediate
feedback and remediation when needed.
Read, Study, & Practice
WileyPLUS offers many opportunities for student self-assessment linked to the relevant portions of the
text. Students can take control of their own learning and practice until they master the material.
s E-book: WileyPLUS integrates the entire digital textbook with the most effective instructor and
student resources to fit every learning style.
s Audio Glossary and Flashcards are available on the student companion site and in WileyPLUS.
They provide students with easy access to digital flashcards so they can test themselves on key
s Videos: Students think critically and solve the problems of real-life
Each video is linked to the text sections, and questions allow students to
solve problems online.
s Environmental Science Basics: $RIVEN BY INSTRUCTOR FEEDBACK FOR THE
most important topics for students to understand about environmental
science, Environmental Science Basics provides a suite of animated
concepts and tutorials to give students a solid grounding in the key
basic environmental concepts. Concepts ranging from global climate
change to sustainable agriculture are presented across 21 modules in
easy-to-understand language.
s Practice Quizzes created by Brian Mooney, Johnson & Wales
University, are available on the student companion site as well as in
WileyPLUS. These quizzes include questions about each section of the
book and offer students immediate feedback so they can gauge their
own understanding of the chapter material.
s Virtual Field Trip Videos: Students go to nine different places around
the world on Virtual Field Trips and gain a better understanding of the
environment and our impact on it. Through these video-based field trips
students gain virtual on-the-ground experience using their WileyPLUS
s Graphing Activities are new to this edition. They allow students to work through
the scientific process by collecting real data, graphing it, and then thinking critically
about what that data demonstrates. Students are able to see the data represented
on various graph types, and to compare different data sets against one another.
Each graphing activity module is linked to the appropriate chapter and includes
questions that allow instructors to test students’ understanding of the activities.
Graphing activity icons on the chapter openers indicate when there is a module that
corresponds with that chapter.