Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

486 Visualizing Nutrition

hazardous waste, 413
solid waste, 402–403, 402f, 403f
biogas digesters in, 450, 451f
Delhi, 420f
ecological footprint of, 11t
endangered species in, 3t
Ganges River, 268, 268f
Guwahati, 331f
Kolkata (Calcutta), 29f
population and population density of,
population pressures in, 158, 158t
water resources in, 244f
Indian Ocean, 300
Indirect solar energy, 450–455
biomass energy, 450–451, 450f, 451f
hydropower, 454–455, 454f, 455f
wind energy, 452, 453f
endangered species in, 3t
Gunung Palung National Park, 343f
mangrove restoration, 37f
population and population density of,
Indoor air pollution, 209–211
Industrial ecosystem, 212
Industrial facilities
air pollutants from, 200
reducing water waste in, 256, 257f
Industrialized agriculture, 353
energy inputs in, 353f
environmental impacts of, 358, 359f
Industrial smog, 201
Infant mortality rates, 170, 171f
Influenza pandemics, 80, 81, 278
Infrared radiation, 220
Inherent safety, principle of, 412
Insecticides, 364
In situ conservation, 386
Insolation, 219–220, 219f, 220f
Instrumental value, 33f
Integrated pest management (IPM), 361,
366, 367, 367f, 367t
Integrated waste management, 408, 408f
Intercropping, 354
Interspecific competition, 120
Intertidal zone, 278, 279f
Intraspecific competition, 120
Intrinsic rates of increase, 161
Intrinsic value, 33, 33f
Invasive species, 338, 384–385, 384f
IPAT equation, 10–11
Irrigation, 247, 248
reducing water waste, 256
and soil salinization, 250, 313, 313f,
water withdrawals for, 253f
Israel, 171f, 257f

automobile recycling, 396
earthquake and tsunami (2011), 300,
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster
(2011), 435, 435f
population and population density of,
renewable energy in, 48t
Tokyo, 13f
Tokyo-Yokohama-Osaka-Kobe agglom-
eration, 184
typical family from, 6f
Jiangxi, China, 81f
Joshua Tree National Park, California, 60f

Kalahari Desert, South Africa, 120f
Kamchatka, Russia, 343f
center-pivot irrigation, 248f
Lawrence, 136t
prairie soil, 309f
wind farm, 453f
Kelps, 281, 281f
Kentucky, 308
Greenbelt Movement, 56
Nairobi, 185f
nomadic sheep herders, 354f
West Pokot, 41f
Kern County, California, 428
Keystone species, 121, 121f, 122
Kilimanjaro National Park, Tanzania,
Kinetic energy, 100, 100f
Kingsport, Tennessee, 35f
Kingston, Tennessee, 418, 418f–419f
Kolkata (Calcutta), India, 29f
Kouakourou, Mali, 7f
Kuwait, 430
Kyoto Protocol, 238

Lagos, Nigeria, 242, 242f–243f
Laguna Colorada, Bolivia, 50f
Lakes, 142–144, 143f
acidic, 237
eutrophic, 260–261, 260f
oligotrophic, 260, 260f
UV radiation damage to, 233
Lake Apopka, Florida, 92f
Lake Michigan, 152
Lake Washington, Washington State,
96–97, 96f, 97t
Land degradation, 334, 358
hazardous waste, 414, 414f
sanitary, 400–403, 400f–402f

Land resources, 320–346
clear-cutting, 344
conservation of, 341
forests, 324–332
land use in the U.S., 322–323
management of federal lands, 340
national parks, 336–338
protected ecosystems, 342f–343f
rangelands, 333–335
wilderness areas, 338–339
Landscape, 98
Landscape ecology, 98–99
Landslide, 300
Land use (U.S.), 322–323
La Niña, 277–278, 290
Las Conchas fire (New Mexico, 2011),
Latin America, 175f
and precipitation, 221
and seasons, 220
and solar intensity, 220f
Lava, 299
Lawrence, Kansas, 136t
Leachate, 400
Leaching, 311
Lead pollution, 209
Leopold, Aldo, 54, 54f
Less developed countries (LDCs), 6, 170,
Lethal dose, 85
Lethal dose-50 percent (LD 50 ), 85–86,
Lianoning Province, China, 208f
Life-cycle assessment, 22
Life history characteristics, 161
Life zones (oceans), 278–283
Light bulbs, 30, 30f
Limnetic zone, 142, 143, 143f
Lincoln High School, Nebraska, 179f
Lingwu, China, 257f
Liquefied petroleum gas, 424
Literacy, environmental, 58
Lithosphere, 99, 298
Littoral zone, 142, 143f
Liuzhou, Guangxi, China, 268f
Locusts, 361, 361f
Loess Plateau, China, 44, 44f
Los Angeles, California, 204, 204f
Atchafalaya National Wildlife Refuge,
New Orleans, 23f
Love Canal, New York State, 409, 409f
Low-grade ores, 302
Low-input agriculture, 360. See also
Sustainable agriculture
Low-level radioactive wastes, 436
Lung cancer, 76, 76f, 88f, 210
Lusaka, Zambia, 140t
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