Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 485

biodiversity, 380, 381f
volcanic, 299
active solar heating, 444–445, 444f
energy conservation for, 462, 462f
net metering of electricity, 461, 461f
passive solar heating, 445f
preventing water pollution in, 267
superinsulated, 459f
thermal images of, 442, 442f–443f
Houston, Texas, 35
Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest,
New Hampshire, 237
Human activities
and climate change, 122, 216
environmental health hazards from,
and extinctions, 378
and greenhouse gas accumulation,
223, 224
and nitrogen cycle, 110
and phosphorus cycle, 113
and tropical rain forest destruction, 142
Humanely raised and handled animals,
Human impacts, 2, 4–11
IPAT equation assessment of, 10–11
on natural flow of water, 247, 247f
on oceans, 284–290
population growth and resource con-
sumption, 6–7, 9–11
rich–poor country gap, 4–6
on rivers and streams, 144
on wildfires, 154
Human population patterns, 165–167,
168f–169f, 169t. See also Population
Humus, 310, 310f
Hunting, 385
Hydraulic fracturing (fracking), 428
Hydrocarbons, 197, 198
Hydrogen, solar-generated, 448–449, 449f
Hydrogen bonds, 244, 245
Hydrologic cycle, 107–109, 108f, 245,
245f, 246f, 324f
Hydropower, 454–455, 454f, 455f
Hydrosphere, 99
Hydrothemal reservoirs, 456
Hypotheses, 18
Hypoxia, 293

Eyjafjallajokull volcano, 199f
geothermal power plant, 457f
as volcanic island, 299
Igneous rocks, 301, 301f
Illinois, 8, 8f
Immigration, 161
Incentive-based regulations, 67

Georgetown University Intercultural
Center, Washington, D.C., 446f
Geosciences, 16
Geothermal energy, 456, 457f
deep, 456, 457f
shallow, 456, 457
Black Forest, 235, 236f
Messel Pit, 150f
renewable energy in, 48, 48t
Germany Valley, West Virginia, 135f
Germplasm, 356
Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Cascade
Range, Washington, 340f
Glaciers, 216, 217t
Glass recycling, 405, 406
Global distillation effect, 190
Global environmental issues, 14f–15f
Global warming, 14f, 15f, 216. See also
Climate change
Global water issues, 251–254, 252f–254f
Goats, 138, 138f
Gold, 307
Goodall, Jane, 58f
Gotland Island, Sweden, 34f
Government-owned lands, 322. See also
Federal lands
Grand Banks, Atlantic Ocean, 62f
Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona,
Grand Coulee Dam, Columbia River,
Washington State, 255f
Grangemouth, United Kingdom, 13f
Grasslands, 131f
rangelands, 333–335, 333f
savanna, 140, 140f, 140t
temperate, 136, 136f, 136t
wooded, 130f
Gray water, 256
Great Sand Dunes National Park,
Colorado, 320, 320f–321f
Great Smoky Mountains National Park,
65f, 337f
Green architecture, 457, 463
Greenbelt Movement (Kenya), 56
Green chemistry, 413
“Green” forestry, 328
Greenhouse effect, enhanced, 41, 224
Greenhouse gases, 223, 224, 224f, 225f
and climate warming, 233
dealing with, 229
Green revolution, 356–357, 361
Green roofs, 8, 8f
Gross domestic product (GDP), 63
Gross primary productivity (GPP), 105
Groundwater, 245, 246f
Groundwater pollution, 263, 263f
Groundwater recharge, 245
Growth rate, 161
Guanajuato, Mexico, 251
Gulf of California, Mexico, 250f

Gulf of Mexico, 293, 293f, 293t, 428–430,
Gulf Stream, 275, 275f
Gunung Palung National Park, Indonesia,
Guwahati, India, 331f
Gyres, 274

Habitat corridors, 326
Habitat fragmentation, 358, 382
Habitats, 113
bird, 380
tion of, 382
marine, 284
protecting, 386–387
restoring, 387–388
Haeckel, Ernst, 98
Haiti earthquake (2010), 300
Hanging Rock State Park, North Carolina,
Harrison, Benjamin, 52
Hawaii, 218f, 342f
Hawaiian Islands, formation of, 299
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii,
Hayes, Denis, 55
Hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), 198
Hazardous waste, 409–415
cleanup of, 413f
high-tech, 415
managing, 412–414
production of, 413–414
types of, 409–411
Health hazards. See Environmental health
Hearst Tower, Manhattan, 463, 463f
Herbicides, 364
Herbivores, 102, 102f
Heritable variation, 148
Hetch Hetchy Valley, California, 53, 53f
Hibernia oil platform, Grand Banks, At-
lantic Ocean, 62f
High-grade ores, 302
High-input agriculture, 353. See also Indus-
trialized agriculture
High-level radioactive wastes, 436
Highly developed countries, 4, 6
birth and infant mortality rates in, 170,
consumption in, 9
population stabilization in, 172
High-tech waste, 415
Hill, Julia “Butterfly,” 346, 346f
Hindman, Kentucky, 308
Hoh Rain Forest, Washington State, 134f
Holdren, John P., 10
Honduras, 89f
Hormones, 92, 358
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