Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 487

Nanomaterials, 410, 410f
Nanotechnology, 410
Na Pali Coast, Kauai, Hawaii, 218f
Narrow-spectrum pesticides, 364
Nashville, Tennessee, 135t
National Appliance Energy Conservation
Act (NAECA), 459
National conservation strategy, 392
National Council for Science and the En-
vironment, 58
National emission limitations, 267
National Environmental Education Act
(1990), 58
National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA, 1970), 59, 60
National forests, 332
National income accounts, 63–65
National marine sanctuaries, 292, 292f
National monuments, 52–54, 60
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad-
ministration (NOAA), 292
National parks, 52–54, 60, 320, 322f,
National Park Service (NPS), 53, 336
National Wilderness Preservation System
(NWPS), 60, 61, 338, 339, 339f, 387
National Wildlife Refuge System, 387
Natural capital, 62, 63, 63f, 302
Natural gas, 423–430
environmental impacts of, 428–430
global supply of, 426f–427f, 428
reserves of, 425–428
Natural increase, 161
Natural selection, 148–150
Nebraska, 179f
Negev Desert, Israel, 257f
Nekton, 142, 282
Nelson, Gaylord, 55
Neritic province, 278, 279f, 281, 282f
Net domestic product (NDP), 63
Netherlands, 37f
Net primary productivity (NPP), 105, 105t
Reno, 139t
Yucca Mountain, 22, 437, 437f
New Hampshire, 237
New Haven, Connecticut, 442, 442f–443f
New Mexico
Las Conchas fire, 154f
Santa Fe, 445f
thunderstorm in, 193f
New Orleans, Louisiana, 23, 23f
New York City
Battery Park City, 37f
Hearst Tower, 463, 463f
South Bronx, 90f
Times Square, 9f
New York State
Adirondack Mountains, 237, 237f
Catskill Mountains, 260f
Cornell University, 17f
Love Canal, 409, 409f

Maathai, Wangari, 56, 56f
MacArthur, Robert, 115
McKinley, William, 52
Madagascar, 381f
Madidi National Park, Bolivia, 342f
Magma, 299, 301f
Magnuson Fishery Conservation Act, 291
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation
and Management Act, 291
Malaria, 227
Malaysia, 331f
Maldives, 226f, 228f
Mali, 7f, 334f
Malignant melanoma, 233
Malthus, Thomas, 165
Man and Nature (Marsh), 52
Manchuria, China, 190
Manganese nodules, 289, 290
Mangrove forests, 146–147, 146f
Manhattan, New York City, 463, 463f
Manila, Philippines, 43f
Marginal cost, 66
Marginal cost of pollution, 66, 66f
Marginal cost of pollution abatement, 66,
Mariculture, 287
Marine pollution, 284, 287–289
Marine snow, 283
Marsh, George Perkins, 52
freshwater, 142, 145
salt, 146, 146f, 147
Massachusetts, 450
Mass burn incinerators, 402–403, 403f
Mass extinction, 378
Matter, cycles of. See Biogeochemical
Mauritania, 251
Maximum containment level, 266
Maximum population growth, 161, 162
Mayan Palace (Palenque, Chiapas,
Mexico), 234f
Mediterranean climates, 137
Megacities, 184
Meltdown, 434
Merbold, Ulf, 192
Mesosphere, 193f
Messel Pit, Germany, 150f
Metals, 302, 405, 406
Metamorphic rocks, 301, 301f
Methanol, 450
Colorado River Delta, 250f
drought, 251
Mayan Palace at Palenque (Chiapas),
sustainable forestry in, 326
typical family from, 6f
Yaqui Indian pesticide exposure, 72
Mexico City, Mexico, 43, 251
Microcredit, 180

Microirrigation, 256, 257f
Micronesia, 146f
Minerals, 301–308, 303f
“conflict,” 317
economic impact of mining, 302, 304
environmental implications of mining,
extraction of, 304–305, 305f
nonfuel, 298t
offshore extraction of, 289, 290
processing of, 305, 305f
in soil, 309
in soil nutrient cycling, 312
Mining, 304–305, 305f
coal, 422
economic impact of, 302, 304
environmental impacts of, 306–308
types of, 304f
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 413f
Minneapolis, 413f
Taylors Falls, 32f
of climate change, 41–43, 229
defined, 229
Mixed forest, 130f
Moderately developed countries (MDCs),
6, 170
Modern synthesis, 148
Modular incinerators, 403
Molecular biology, 151f
Moment magnitude scale, 300
Monocultures, 325, 354, 364
Montreal Protocol, 233
Mosquitos, 80
Mountaintop removal (coal), 422
Mount Hua, China, 203, 203f
Mount Mitchell, North Carolina, 423f
Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, 199f, 225f,
Muir Glacier, Alaska, 216, 216f–217f
Muir, John, 52–53, 52f
Multicropping, 40, 41
Municipal sewage treatment, 265–266,
Municipal solid waste, 398, 399, 399f, 400f
composition of, 399f
disposal of, 400f
reuse/recycling/recovery of, 61
Municipal water supplies
drinking water, 264–265, 264f
reducing waste in, 256
Murmansk, Russia, 438, 438f
Mutation, 148, 150
Mutualism, 116, 117f
Myanmar (Burma), 392f
Myers, Norman, 380

Naess, Arne, 32, 33
Nairobi, Kenya, 185f
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