Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Virtually all colleges that sponsor a sport that competes on the

intercollegiate level want that sport program to be successful

(to be a winning program). To enjoy the benefits of a winning

program, some level of recruiting is required. The level, inten-

sity, directness, and operation of collegiate recruiting by any

particular school is affected by a number of factors.

As you have learned, NCAA Division I and II offer designated

athletic scholarships of some monetary value applied toward

the cost of the tuition and/or fees of the institution award-

ing the financial aid. Division I schools often offer full rides,

although they sometimes split some athletic scholarships up

and offer partial rides. Division II programs offer full rides much

less often than does Division I. They split up their athletic

scholarships more often than Division I. As you now know,

NCAA rules restrict the number of athletic scholarships in each

sport for both Division I and II. And Division II is allowed fewer

athletic scholarships in nearly every sport than Division I.

When you are being recruited by a Division I or II college,

the recruiters and coaches will discuss financial aid in terms of

athletic scholarships. Usually Division II coaches will discuss

additional financial aid opportunities in other terms, as well,

like: need-based, academic, special-talent, minority, merit,

chapter 16

Awarding of Athletic

Financial Aid

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