Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

In order for a prospect to receive the maximum amount of

financial aid for athletic ability, he/she must be prepared to

negotiate for that maximum. If you have examined any col-

lege’s “sticker price,” you know the enormous cost, other than

most junior colleges, of a college education. The more you

attempt to reduce the cost of a college education from the

sticker price, the more you increase the pressure on the institu-

tion’s financial aid officer to resist further reductions. Because

of the flexibility of “professional judgment” by the financial

aid director, combined with the desire of an institution to

enroll a prospect, one rarely knows how much of a reduction

can be secured. The only strategy that delivers the reductions

you want and deserve is negotiation. If negotiating is a dia-

logue that makes you so tense that you choose not to do it, you

must be ready to accept the inevitable financial consequences.

Many uncomfortable, timid parents have left thousands of dol-

lars on the table because they failed to deal with their anxiety

about negotiations and potential confrontation. Don’t you be

one of those timid parents! The money you didn’t negotiate for

will go to someone who did. Practice using the following strat-

egies, tools, and devices, and you will dramatically increase the

chances of getting what you want and deserve.

chapter 17

Negotiating Guidelines

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