Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

The NCAA limits financial aid for each sport in both Division

I and Division II. The NCAA counts athletic financial aid in

two categories:

  1. head-Count Sports. Used for some Division I sports. Any
    athlete who receives institutional financial aid, no matter
    the amount of aid, is counted as one. Head count limit
    sports are only in Division I. Most, but not all, head count
    awards are full grant-in-aid (full-rides). All NCAA Divi-
    sion I institutions offer athletic scholarships. All awarded
    scholarships are on a one-year basis, but can be renewed
    yearly up to five years over a six-year time period.

  • I-A Football: 85

  • I-AA Football: 63

  • Men’s Basketball: 13

  • Ice Hockey: 30 counters/18 equivalencies

  • Women’s Basketball: 15

  • Women’s Gymnastics: 12

  • Women’s Tennis: 8

  • Women’s Volleyball: 12

  1. equivalency Sports. Any sports not listed above are consid-
    ered equivalency sports. Generally, this means that one full
    grant-in-aid (full-ride) can be divided among more than one

chapter 18

Financial Aid Limits

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