Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Financial Aid Limits 123

Some Division I institutions offer cross-country but not

track and field.

These institutions may offer 5.0 equivalencies for men and

6.0 equivalences for women in cross-country.

Equivalency Limits For Division II Sports

Men’s Sports Women’s Sports
Baseball 9.0 Archery 5.0
Basketball 10.0 Badminton 8.0
Cross-Country/Track 12.6 Basketball 10.0
Fencing 4.5 Bowling 5.0
Football 36.0 Cross-Country/Track 12.6
Golf 3.6 Fencing 4.5
Gymnastics 5.4 Field Hockey 6.3
Ice Hockey 13.5 Golf 5.4
Lacrosse 10.8 Gymnastics 6.0
Rifle 3.6 Ice Hockey 18.0
Skiing 6.3 Lacrosse 9.9
Soccer 9.0 Rowing 20.0
Swimming 8.1 Soccer 9.9
Tennis 4.5 Softball 7.2
Volleyball 4.5 Squash 9.0
Water Polo 4.5 Swimming 8.1
Wrestling 9.0 Synchronized Swimming 5.0
Team Handball 2.0
Tennis 6.0
Volleyball 8.0
Water Polo 8.0

All Division II sports are considered equivalency sports.

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